Chapter 25

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After two days...

In these two days. Everyone noticed Avu's different behavior. She shout on khushi not once but many times. Khushi is scared of Avu a bit. Sonia, Aman and Rohan scolded avu a few times for her behave but she isn't affected a bit. Vaish is hurt because of avu's behavior towards khushi.

On the other hand. Vibha do video call vaish to talk with khushi. At night Sid too join Vibha in video call. Abhi sat taking glances of khushi. Khushi's little sad mood is noticed by Nigam's. They tried to cheer her.

After two days....

It was evening. At Mehra house. Aman and Sonia were in living area playing with khushi. Avu was in her room busy on call. Vaish was attending meeting in her room. Just then Rochi came from office.

Khushi (giggle): Mamu, Mami....

She ran to them and hug Rohan's legs. Rohan sat on knees in front of her.

Rohan (pulling her cheeks): So for my both princess, I bought chocolates.
Khushi (excited): Chocy.... gimme gimme.

Rohan took chocolates from his pocket and gave to khushi. As compare to her hands chocolates was many and too big. Khushi looked at Rohan with pout.

Rohan (chuckled): Take one now. Later on take other.

He handed her on chocolate. She took it happily and ran to Avi's room.

Khushi (excitedly shout as she went in avu's room): Machiiiiii chocyy (Masi chocolate)

Avu looked at her irritated. Looking at avu's face khushi took step back cause of fear.

Khushi (sobbing cause of fear): Machiii....
Avu (yelling): What's your problem? Can't you just be quiet for sometime? At least for an hour in a day? Your noise, shouts are irritating me like hell. Your mom isn't teaching you a bit manners? Can't she teach you not to disturb others? Fucking noisy, irritating kid you are.

Listening avu's shouts Rochi, Aman, Sonia came in room. They saw khushi saw crying badly. She was damn scared of Avu. Aman took khushi trying to calm her.

Sonia (angrily): Avneet control your tongue and mind your words.
Avu (rolling her eyes ): What mind mom? This mother daughter duo is too much now. I seriously can't bare this loudly headache anymore.

Just then vaish came in room. She was shocked and hurt looking and khushi and avu's face.

Vaish (trying to control from break down): What happened avu?
Avu (yelling): What do you mean by what happened? Oh yeah how can you know exactly because mostly you annoying headache stays near me to irritate me. How can know then? Just take her away from me. I am done with her. Just take her out of this house now.
Aman (shout): Avneet stop it. Now you are crossing your limits. Since 3days I am ignoring your harsh behave with khushi but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.
Avni (angrily): Why stop it dad? What stop it? Firstly I am not understanding what the hell is she doing here till now with her annoying daughter? Just send her back to her home yaar. Unnecessarily she is trying to stay with us just for our property and money. Because of her only my and Sid's relationship is on verge of breaking. Can you understand my pain? Why to take her and her daughter's burden on our head? Such gold digger.
Vaish (muffled voice): I am sorry avu if I ever hurted you but I don't want any property of anything. I-
Sonia (cuts vaish, angrily): Stop it Vaishu. No need to give clarification and ask for apology. We know how you are. So don't apologize to this idiot. And Avneet you what you are saying? Are you in your senses? What do you mean by burden and gold digger? How can you say this for your elder sister who loved you like anything? How can you say khushi annoying, noisy when you are also like her and not to forgot you are one who taught her all this. She is elder daughter of this family. So she will stay with us and she isn't any burden mind it.
Avu (rolling her eyes): Mom just because she helped us for 3months when you and me met accident. Just because she took care of all of us that 3 months you are love her like this. Now mom it's been 3yrs she live with us. As per it she lived with us for almost 36months in this home. Didn't you paid her 10% more than what she did for us? Isn't this enough now?

Listening her words. Rohan couldn't control anymore and was about to slap avu but vaish held his arm.

Vaish: You both don't fight. Just because of me and khushi. Avu, I never want to hurt you but if ever I did. I am very sorry.

She took khushi from Aman. Khushi slept by now. Vaish went in her room.

Vaish's mind was filled with word gold digger which was said Abhi, Sid and now Avu too. Her heart shuttered.


Anything about Avu's behavior? Is she doing all this because Rahul and Udit warned her?

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