Chapter 5

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Aman went to Vaish. He sat beside her. Rohan went to khushi and took her in arms. She quickly hug him tight.

Aman (hug vaish): No one will take away from khushi. You don't need to do anything. No one has any right on khushi. She is your daughter. She will be with you and for that you don't need to do anything. Calm down now. Calm down. Trust your mamu.
Vaish (hug him back): But... but Abhishek will come to take her.
Rohan (caressing khushi's hair): If he will come here. I will beat the shit out of him. Don't worry. Just calm down vaishu.

Vibha looked at Sonia before entering in room. Sonia nodded. Vibha entered in room. Sonia too went behind her. Sid stood there only in a guilt. He head hung low.

Sid's pov: One single mistake and made her suffer like anything. Whenever I spent time with her. Always like my elder sister. Never even I thought that she is my brother's girlfriend or will be his wife but she is my elder sister. I broke her trust really bad that today she is thinking I want her body. She is thinking my niece is burden. I am not a good brother at all. Because of my one mistake. I lost my di. (He looked at khushi, who was crying badly, hugging rohan) Sorry princess. Chachu isn't good at all. Chachu make you and your mumma suffer alot. I am sorry baby. I  promise-

He got quite as a memory hit in his mind.


Around 3 years and some months ago. For the first time. Vaish and her father met with Vibha and Sid. Abhi was not there but Vibha and Sid had talk with Vaish on call few times before. They knew Abhinavi are dating. So Vaish's father knew about Abhinavi and met Abhi as well.

At Nigam house. Sid and Vibha was setting lunch at dinning table when door bell rang.

Vibha: Sid go and open the door. Vaishnavi must be here.
Sid (chuckled): Bhai was damn nervous about our first meet with his girlfriend and your excitment has another level.
Vibha: Shut up and open the door.

Sid open the door and saw a Vaishnavi and her father. Sid took her father's blessing and greet both of them. They three walked in living area.

Sid (sweetly): Have seat please. (Shout a bit) Mom here is your daughter in law come fast.

Vaish looked at Sid and blush. Sid chuckled. Vibha came.

Vibha (joining her hands): Namaste!
Vaish's father: Namaste!

Vaish took her blessings. They all settled on sofa. They were having chit chat.

Sid: So where you are staying?
Vaish: Umm.... Actually here we came. I mean in Mumbai we came to attend my cousin's wedding (Rochi) so we are staying with them only.
Vibha: Oh! Your relatives live in Mumbai?
Vaish: Yaa aunty.
Vibha (smack her forehead): This girl! How many times I need to tell you. You are my daughter. So call me maa or mumma or mom, not aunty.
Vaish (blush): Okay aun- no! I mean mom.
Sid: Come di. I will show you, your to be room.

Vaish blush and nodded. Sidnavi went to Abhi's room. Vibha and Vaish's father was talking about Abhinavi.

With Sidnavi.

Sid (raising his eyebrow): So how's your to be room? If you don't like anything or want to change anything let me know. I will do it before your and bhai's marriage.
Vaish (blush): No... Everything is perfect.
Sid (smirk): Hmm... Hmmm... I see. Your room is also ready. So let's do one thing. I am calling bhai and will ask him to come here. You both get married at cousin's wedding only. Why to wait?
Vaish (shocked): No... I haven't told my cousins anything about our relationship. If suddenly I will share my cousin brother is gonna cancel his wedding and will go to Gujarat to beat Abhi.
Sid (chuckled): Over possessive brother.
Vaish (smiled): Yeah! He is over possessive for me and my cousin sis.
Sid: Wow! I am gonna ask him to train me also. I won't allow anyone to look at my sister. Leave about other things.
Vaish (giggle): Your sister must be so lucky you know.
Sid (roll his eyes): Madame, I am talking about you only. I don't have any other sister (pout).

Vaish chuckled and pull his cheeks.

Vaish: Alright my baby brother. Thanks for caring and loving me so much.
Sid (held Vaish's hand): We are meeting first time but still I am feeling like I know you since years. Okay! I promise di. I will-
Vaish (cuts him): Wait! Don't ever promise anyone. You know promise can break or may lead you in guilt if you won't be able to complete it. So always do it by your heart and soul. Love and care from soul to soul gives a real vibe. Not these promises. For that pure love promise meant nothing.
Sid: Alright! I will try to be over possessive brother for my cute, sweet and beautiful sister. Umm.... I will try to fight with bhai as well if he will trouble you. I know his slap will shut me but still I will try to fight with him (pout).

Vaish laugh at his words.


Sid silently broke down but didn't dared to entered in room because of guilt.


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