Chapter 7

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Sonia, Avi, Kanchi went in kitchen to arrange snacks and juice. Aman, Sonia, Rohan was talking about how to face Udit and his son. Khushi was sitting on Vaish's lap and continuously staring at Sid. Sid was silently standing near fiddling his fingers.

Aman: Siddharth come and sit.

Sid looked at Vibha. She nodded. Sid went inside and sat on bed. He looked at vaish. Just then Rohan's phone rang. He excuse himself and went out of room.

Sid (took deep breath): Di, I don't know if how to mend my fault. I promise, I will do anything to win your trust back. I know you don't believe on promise. But I will win my sister back, her trust back, her love back. Please forgive me if it's possible for you (he joined his hands)

Vaish looked down not knowing what to do.

Khushi (standing up): No kay (cry) momma sowwwieee, mumma appy (say sorry to mumma and she will be happy)

Sid didn't understood her words, he gave khushi confuse look.

Khushi (smack her forehead): Mumma soowwiiieee.

She held sid's hand and make him held Vaish's ear. Vaish moved back.

Khushi (pout): Momma soowwiiiieeee nah.
Vaish (looking at khushi): Baby....
Khushi (pout): Mommaaaaaa, he kaying (crying). Sooowwwiiieeeee nah (He is crying. So accept his sorry nah)

Before vaish could say. Khushi glared Sid and make him held Vaish's ears.

Khushi (whinning): Soowwwiiiieeeeee mumma
Sonia (entering in room): Siddharth, Khushi is saying to say sorry to vaishu.

Sid finally understood khushi's words.

Khushi (excited): Yesss naniiiii..... Muahhhh (she gave her kiss)

Sonia (chuckled): Such a drama queen like avu

Khushi (holding sid's hands on Vaish's ears): Sayyyy nah.
Sid (nodded): I am sorry di. Please forgive me.
Khushi (excited): Yess.... No mati, otay? (No mast, okay?).

No parents tried to interfere. No matter how badly Aman want to kill Sid for not trusting vaish at first place but still he controlled himself knowing khushi need love of her paternal family.

Vaish (sternly): Now leave him khushi and sit silently.
Khushi (whining): Aleee!!! Mumma soowwiiieee nah (accept his sorry)
Vaish (calmly): See baby you don't even know him. So come here and sit silently.
Khushi (pulling sid's cheek): Cuteeeeee
Vaish (glaring): Khushi.....

Khushi sat on Vaish's lap with grumpy face. Avu and Kanchi came with snacks.

Avu (looking at khushi): What happened to my cutie pie?
Khushi (pout): Mumma
Rohan (entering in room): Leave your mumma. Come to me.

She quickly ran towards him. He took her in arms. Everyone sat eating and discussing about plan. Vibha was staring at khushi. Rohan was trying to feed khushi but she wanted to eat by herself. Rohan gave up and handed her spoon. Khushi excitedly took it and started eating.

Vibha (mumble): She is eating just like abhi messing everything she have in plate and closed eyes while chewing food.

Vaish heard it as she was beside Vibha.

Vaish (looking at khushi): Most of things she do like him only. Her Stubbornness, her attitude and the way she talks when she have to apologize, the way she loves me is as same as Abhishek loves you.

Everyone heard Vaish's words.

Vibha (don't have anything to say): Hmm...

They all ate and was discussing too. After all this Sid and Vibha was about to go.

Vaish (held Vibha's hand): Mumma don't you want to talk with khushi?
Vibha (held Vaish's hand): If you are comfortable then Ofcourse I want. If you don't want then it's fine for me.
Vaish (nodded): I already punished you for all these years without any fault. If you want talk with khushi. I won't mind but no one else have right from your family.

Vibha (caress her cheek): It's totally your decision.

Vibha looked at khushi and smiled widely. She open her arms and took khushi from Rohan

Vibha (teary eyes): Mera bacha (kissing her cheek) We did wrong with you and your mother but I will punish abhi for this. He don't deserve a angel like you. Always be with your mumma and don't trouble her.

Khushi pout.

Vibha: I am your dadi.
Khushi (nodded): Dadiiii.... (clapping her hands) Machiiii, mumma diiii (masi calls mumma di)

Sonia chuckled. Vibha didn't understood. Sonia explained her. Vibha hug her tight. Sid was biting his lip to control tears. He was happy at least Vibha isn't getting punished. At least vaish understood her.

After that Vibha and Sid left.

Rohan (rolling his eyes): How can let aunty allow to talk with khushi?
Vaish: Roh, she wasn't at fault. How can I punish her when isn't at fault? I know you are worried if she will take khushi away from me but she won't I trust her.
Rohan (calmly): Vaishu-
Vaish (cuts him): Roh, I know dear why you are thinking but you know for a mother her kids are more than anything. For Maa (vibha) her both the sons are her world. She can't live without them. She took swear of both her sons. Not even in dreams a mother can risk the life of her child for anything or anyone's sake. She took swear because it was truth. Only she have right to talk with khushi. No one else....

Avu sat beside vaish and hug her.

Sonia (hugging vaishneet): I am proud of you mera bacha (kiss Vaish's forehead)

Rohan nodded, giving up.

With Sid and Vibha. They were in car, going towards home.

Vibha (sternly): Sid, what happened 3yrs ago? Why you and abhi didn't shared truth with me?
Sid (nervous): Mom ummm...... please ask bhai. I am not allowed to.
Vibha: But what you did? Siddharth are you the same who used say me whole time di this, di that, just let di come home and I will do this for her and that for her? You are same yesterday who called her slut and gold digger? You are one cause she suffered this that she didn't mind call herself call girl?
Sid: Mom, she called me after bhai came back Mumbai. She tried to explain me maybe but I didn't listened anything. I just cut the call as my mind was filled with bhai's words.

Vibha was about to say but her phone rang. Caller I'd abhi. She received the call.

Abhi: Mom, where are you and Sid?
Vibha: We went for some work but coming home now. Anything important?
Abhi: Umm..... No. I just came back home and didn't found you nor Sid was in office.
Vibha: Hmm.... In 10mins we are coming.
Abhi: Okay!

They hangs up the call then ride for home was silent.


I am back with regular updates. Hoping for good response.

As khushi is 2yrs old. She is learning to talk. So proper words and sentences will be in bracket for proper feel

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