Chapter 36

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Sonia (cups avu's face): Avneet what's all this?

Avu was quiet.

Aman (side hug avu): Princess anything went wrong? You can tell us.

Avu was still quiet.

Kanchi: Vaishu how you got to know about it?
Vaish: In morning, Me and Sid went to hospital for khushi's vaccination. There we saw avu and followed her. So we got to know.

Avu looked at Vaish with with shock. Her eyes were wide open.

Rohan: But vaishu since morning avu is at home. She hasn't gone anywhere.
Sonia (shocked): Yaa vaishu. She is here only. You might misunderstood someone.
Vaish: No mami. We saw Avu only and followed her too.
Aman: But bacha how's that possible? She is with us only.
Kanchi: Avu you went somewhere?
Avu (stammering): Umm.... N.. no...
Vaish (pointing at Avu's neck): Where is your pendent avu?

Everyone looked at her neck.

Avu (keeping hand on neck): Ummm.... Pe.. Pend... pendent-
Sid (suspecting): Neither you are wearing our promise ring Avneet? (He pointed to her hand which was on her neck)

Aman (sternly): Why you removed pendent avu? When I clearly said to you all not to remove it at any cost.
Vaish (showing pendent from her neck): Avneet, you remember this pendent? Why mamu gave you and me and also whom else he gave?
Avu (nervous): Umm..... I.. I...

Everyone was looking at avu with questioning look. Sid held avu's arm and pulled her to himself. As avu stood in front of sid. Sid slapped her hard. All this happened in a friction of seconds that Avu doesn't even realise what just happened.

Rohan (pushing sid, shout): Who the fucking hell gave you right to raise your hand on my sister?
Vaish (coming in between): Rohan for once look at Avneet. His slap can make her cheek bleed but here she don't even have finger prints on her cheek.

Rohan quickly snapped to Avu. So everyone. They all found Vaish's words was true. Vaish went to avu and held her throat pulling a mask over her face.

Whole family appalled by actions of vaish and looking at girl's face who was wearing mask of their daughter's face

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Whole family appalled by actions of vaish and looking at girl's face who was wearing mask of their daughter's face.

Everyone (shocked looking at face behind mask): Asavari.

(A/N: You guys were right. She isn't Avneet. She was duplicate of Avneet. How and when this happened? Read further
Asavari: Female villain of Sidneet. Works at Mehra Associates. Good friend for Avneet but she hates Avneet. Has lust for Sid.)

Sonia (shocked): What's all this?
Aman (shocked): Asavari, how she is here?
Rohan: How you got to know about it?
Sonia (worried): Where is my avu?
Sid (held Asavari's arm with tight grip): Speak the truth.
Asavari (looking down): I love Siddharth Sir and Rahul Malhai loves Avneet Ma'am. Since around 6 months I know Ma'am and Sir are dating. Last month Rahul came Mumbai for some work. At a cafe he proposed Ma'am but she denies and told him that she already love someone. So Rahul asked her to call her boyfriend. Sometime later Sir came. After meeting Rahul, Sir and Ma'am went. I was in cafe only so I saw and heard everything. 2days later. I got call from Rahul that he got to know I love Sir. So he want my help. His plan was like Sir and me will be together. So Ma'am and Rahul. I found plan interesting and also I too had profit. So I agreed.
Aman (shout): What was the plan?
Asavari: For 1 month. I will train myself to way, talk like ma'am. I went for surgery of voice transplant. In which my voice turns like ma'am's voice. Rahul order mask of Ma'am's face for me. So for all this arrangements we needed a month. As this month passed. Udit uncle called Aman Sir for marriage proposal. We knew answer is gonna be no but we don't knew that Sir and Ma'am will be married but we continued our plan. Rahul and Udit uncle came Mumbai. They acted like they want to surprise Avneet Ma'am. So they all came to Nigam house. There whole time I was keeping eye on Ma'am through kitchen window. Once everyone went out of kitchen. Udit's people kidnapped ma'am and I took her place but later on I got to know Ma'am and Sir aren't married. So I have chance to take Ma'am's power in family. That's why I started behaving rude with Vaishnavi Ma'am and Khushi. Once they were out of family. Share will be divided in me and Rohan Sir.


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