Chapter 15

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At Nigam house. Avneet and Vibha was talking about random topics. Avneet's phone rang. It was Vaish's call.

Avu: Di is calling. Must be informing that we need to leave.
Vibha (nodded): Yaa... Talk with her. I will ask Sid to get ready.

Avu received the call. Vaish told her everything. Avu got shocked. After talking with vaish. They hangs up the call.

Avu (worried): Aunty, they are coming here. Actually Udit said he wants to surprise me. So they are coming here to surprise me.
Vibha: Okay! Okay!! You calm down. It's about hour and two. We will manage.

Avu nodded but she was nervous and scared. If Udit or Rahul got to know about this lie. Life of her family is in danger. Lifes of Nigams will be in danger. Vibha went to Sid.

Avu (taking deep breath): Nothing will happen like this. I won't give them chance to know about it. I will prepare Sid and Aunty for lie and Abhi bhai isn't here. So no worries. Okay! It's not easy I know but we have to do it. We will do it.

Avu went to Vibha and Sid. She explained them each and everything clearly. After sometime door bell rang. Avneet went to open it knowing Aman, Sonia, Rohan, Kanchi, Udit and Rahul was there. She opened the door and saw them. She acted like shocked as she got life's biggest surprise.

Udit (proudly): See I told you nah. She will so happy.

Vibha and Sid came out and saw them. They welcomed them and all came in living area.

As per plan, Sidneet went to take blessings of Aman, Sonia and Udit and meet others. After taking Udit's blessing. Udit was coming close to avu. Rohan fisted his hand, ready to push Udit if he even tried to touch his sister. Udit touched avu's shoulder and next moment. Sid slide his hand in avu's waist, pulling her towards himself. Indirectly removing Udit's hand.

Rohan sighed. However he is angry from Sid because of Vaish but this is also a fact. He trust 1000 times more for his sister's safety than Udit.

Rahul (forwarding his hand): Hello Avneet.
Avu (shook hand with him): Hello!
Rahul (smirk): You know Siddharth, I am avneet's best friend since years.
Sid (rolling his eyes in mind): As per I know Rohan bhai is her male best friend since her birth and from one last year. I'm also but not other males.
Rahul (glared sid): Ofcourse!
Vibha (changing topic): Why you are standing? Come sit.

They all went and sat on sofa. They started talking about random topics. Whole time Sid's hand was on avu's waist. She didn't even bother to remove it or ask him to remove. She wasn't uncomfortable at all. Rohan and Aman was bit relaxed as because of this Rahul isn't going close to her.

Few hours passed. In between they had snacks and cold drinks too. Now it's going to lunch time in a while.

Avu's pov: They came for hour or two nah. It's almost 3 and half hour. Now get lost yaar. Someone come and kick them out. Huh!! In a while it will be lunch time. I guess I should mom and aunty about it.

She looked at Sonia and Vibha.

Avu: Mom, I am thinking to make lunch. In while it will be time for "LUNCH"

She said emphasizing the word "LUNCH". Indicating Udit and Rahul to get the hell out of here.

Udit: Yaa.... Avneet beta make palak paneer. Rahul told me you make it so tasty.
Vibha: Yaa Avneet. Let's prepare for lunch. Come I will help you.

Avu nodded. Avu, Vibha, Sonia, Kanchi went in kitchen.

Avu (irritated): Shameless Bhukkad. Don't he get food at his home? Saala Kutta.
Sonia (glaring her): Avu language.
Avu (pout): Sorry! But mom he is really very irritating and that Rahul. I swear I won't mind murdering him. Besharam insaan.
Kanchi (rolling her eyes): At the time of breakfast that idiot Rahul was flirting with vaishu and you know avu, his father that leader of idiots was asking why you are here? Where is your husband and all? Abee yaar she is living with us. What's your problem?
Avu (irritated): Didn't you beat them with high heels? Kamina kahi ka.
Sonia (chuckled): Avniii....
Avu (took breath): Duh!! Whatever.
Sonia: Thank you Vibha ji for helping us.
Vibha: Arey! No need of Thanks. It's okay!

They start making lunch. Boys sat discussing about something.... opppssss!! Aman and Udit was discussing, Sid and Rohan team up to insult Rahul will whole heart.


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