Chapter 16

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Sonia, Vibha, Kanchi, Avu starts making lunch. Whole time Avi was cursing Udit and Rahul.

Sonia: Avneet bas! You cursing them continuously.

Vibha chuckled.

Avu (rolling her eyes): Huh!! But they just came for one or two hours. It's more than 3 hours. After lunch ask dad to send them back.

Just then Kanchi's phone rang.

Kanchi (looking at her phone): Mom, Vaishu is calling. Must be asking about lunch.
Sonia: We forgot to inform her.
Kanchi: It's video call.
Avu: Oh!! then Khushi might be troubling di.

Kanchi nodded and received the call. It was video call vaish and khushi was in frame. Kanchi and Avu too was in frame.

Call conversation.

Khushi (excited): Mamiiii, Machiii.
Avu (smiled): My cutie pie.
Vaish: Avu where are you guys?
Avu (pout): Di that kutta, Kamina Udit and his son Rahul aren't leaving. Now they want to eat palak paneer here only.
Sonia (rolling her eyes): Avu!!
Avu (smirk): Should I add poison in food of Udit and Rahul?
Khushi (clapping her hands): Yeshhh!!!
Avu (giving flying kiss): Muahh!! My cutie pie.
Vaish (rolling her eyes): Avu stop spoiling her. She didn't even understood anything.
Avu (pout): It's my duty to spoil her and I will do it with my whole heart.
Khushi (excited): Yesshhh!!! Machii.

Vaish roll her eyes. Sonia chuckled. Vibha was looking at them.

Vaish: Acha meri maa leave all this. If anyone is free. Please talk with her. She literally ate my head as home feeling is incomplete for her.
Kanchi: Vaishu gave her phone. We are cooking. We will talk with her as well.
Vaish: Hmm....

Vaish set phone properly so that both can talk.

Kanchi placed her phone on slab in way they all can talk with khushi.

Khushi (looking at Vibha and Sonia): Nnnaaanniiii, Ddaaadddiiiii.
Sonia (fake anger face): Khushi, you are troubling my vaishu?
Khushi (nodded in no with pout): Nooo...
Vaish (looking at Vibha): Mumma...
Vibha (smiled): What you are doing?
Vaish: I am working on presentation.

Vibha nodded.

Khushi (pout): Daaddiii, kay wala? (cry wala)?

Vibha looked at her confused.

Kanchi (raising her eyebrow): Who was crying baby?
Avu (thinking): Bandar?
Vibha (understanding avu's point): Are you talking about Sid?
Khushi (nodded): Cciidddd, Banbar (Sid, Bandar)

Khushi giggle. Everyone chuckled.

Vaish (sternly): Khushi don't say like this baby. He is elder than you nah?
Khushi (pout): Mumma, Machii says Banbar (bandar).
Avu (giggle): It's bandar, baby.
Vaish (glaring avu): What you are teaching her?
Avu: Arey di! Chillax.
Khushi (excited): Mumma, Banbar (bandar).

Vibha was silently listening their talks.

Vibha's pov: I wish Sid can listen this. How cutely she is calling him. In 2 meets only she is searching for him like she knows him from years and he is so close to her. How happy he will be if she can talk with him. How happy Abhi will be if she will call him papa!

They all continued talking on call. After sometime khushi got bored. She hangs up the call in mid only.

Vaish (coldly): Khushi, everyone was talking with you and you cut the call like this?

Khushi took her toy and starts playing with it. Meanwhile at Nigam house. In kitchen only.

Sonia (chuckled): Now she went to play her games.
Vibha (infinite happiness in heart): She always do like this?
Sonia: Yaa! She can't sit and do one thing for too much time. As per mood she do everything.

Vibha nodded with weak smile. They were cooking. Finally after half an hour they completed cooking.

Vibha: You all go and sit with all. I will see remaining work.
Avu: Aunty, you all go. I need to check on palak paneer. I will see other work too. Once lunch will be ready I will call you for serving. I will need help in it.
Vibha: No worries. You go and sit. I will see.
Sonia: Let her do Vibha ji. Finally she is taking interest in cooking.
Avu (whining): Mumma!!!
Vibha (chuckled): Khushi is just like you.
Sonia: She is one who always teach all these to her.

Sonia, Vibha and Kanchi went out. Avu continued her work. After sometime she too went out to call Vibha.

Udit: Avneet beta, I was saying why you aren't calling your cousin here? By now she must be back from hospital nah.
Avneet (smiled): Yaa uncle good idea. I will call di.

Everyone looked at her with shock. Avu call vaish and ask her to joining everyone for lunch. Vaish wasn't ready for it but avu literally forced her to come for lunch. After talking with Vaish. Avu went in kitchen and arranged lunch for all. Everyone was waiting for vaish to come


Why avu call vaish to join for lunch?

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