Chapter 41

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Few more days passed....

In these days. Vaish took care of Khushi properly, she was not thinking much about her past but new fever was in her mind "Because of her carelessness towards khushi. What if Abhi took khushi away from her?" She was over thinking about it now.

Like of others is as same as before but khushi is better now. As her mother is beside her most of the time though vaish is lost in thoughts but she is beside khushi all time.

Condition of others is same except khushi. As she is around her mother now.


It was evening. At hospital. Sonia and Kanchi was there. Sonia was sobbing beside avu, sitting on stool. Kanchi was consoling her.

Avu slowly open her eyes. Her view was blur. After few seconds. Slowly she was moving fingers and toes. She was trying to speak but her throat didn't support her. It takes few minutes for her to recollect all her memories. As she recollected her memories. She starts sobbing silently. Kanchi and Sonia didn't notice Avi.

After some minutes. Sid and Vibha opened the door and entered in room. Sid's eyes fell on avu first. He saw her concious, crying. He quickly went towards her. Without caring about anyone around. He bend down and hug her, he too was sobbing. Everyone saw Avu concious. Finally they all relaxed a bit.

After few minutes. Sid broke the hug and cups her face.

Sid (kissing her forehead): My love...

Whole time tears rolling on her cheeks, so his. Vibha, Sonia and Kanchi was also sobbing.

Kanchi: I will call Dr.

Wiping her tears, she went out of room.

Vibha (pulling Sid back): Sid let Sonia ji meet her daughter.

Sid nodded. He moved away. Sonia who was sitting beside Avni, wiped avu's tears and kiss on her forehead. Though she wanted to say so many things but didn't as she don't want to break down in front of avu. Though Avu was crying badly but silently.

Kanchi came in room with Dr.

Dr: Please you all wait outside. Let me check the patient.

Sonia nodded and about to go but Avu held her hand, her heartbeat was raising, she was breathing fast.

Avu (nodded in no with sobs): No... No...
Dr (sighed): Alright! Calm down Avneet. Calm down. Your mother will be here. You calm down. (Pointing at sonia): You stay here with her and rest you all wait outside.

Avneet's breath got normal, so her heartbeat. Others went out of room. Sonia stood at corner, holding avni's hand to calm her.

Outside the room. Sid stood near door looking truth mirror.

Vibha: Kanchi beta inform about Avneet to Aman bhai and Rohan. Both were worried alot. Inform Vaish also.

Kanchi nodded and call Rohan then Vaish. After some minutes. Dr opened the door and came out.

Sid(worried): How's she? She is fine na?
Dr: Her this condition was expected. Like after alot of suffering. This condition isn't good. So just keep her happy and stress free. This is what needed the most for her recovery.

Sid nodded. Dr went. Sid, Vibha went inside. Avu whole was lying on bed saw them and tried to Sit. Sonia helped her.

Avu (broke down): Everything ended Sid. Everything ended.
Sid (cups her face): Shush!! No one can take you out of my soul. No one can take me out of your soul. I love you.

He hug her. Taking her in protective, loving and warm embrace.

Avi (loud sob): Everything ended Sid.
Sid (rubbing her back): I am with you Avu.

Meanwhile at Nigam house. Vaish was in her room. A paper was in her hand. She was clutching paper tight in her hands.

Vaish (crying): I hate you Abhishek.

Meanwhile with Abhi. He was lying on bed. His eyes were closed. Words of Sid, Avu, Vaish and Mahi's were ringing in his mind.

(A/N: Words of Vaish, Sid and Avu are mentioned in previous chapter)

Mahi's words: Since the time I am asking you need to go and talk to her. See Abhishek now I am sure she never ditched you. Maybe there is other reasons or things. Dude if you found her cheating I told you this before also and now too I am repeating. You could have barged in room and slapped vaish.

Abhi (wiped his tears): Maybe if I hadn't come back, everything would have been fine today.

He took deep breath.

Abhi: I regret.

Just then....


How's the chapter?

Which papers vaish was holding?

Anyone realise I used all lines which are written on cover?

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