Chapter 67

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Next morning. It was too early than usual. Everyone was sleeping peacefully. That's when Sid jumped inside from Avneet's balcony and entered inside her room.

The lights of room were dim and she was sleeping peacefully even khushi was sleeping with her. Both were cuddling.

Sid's pov: I swear bhai is taking his full revenge with her help. Now here she is. Please god give a little brain to my brother. Don't spoil my first night. Huh! If he will spoil, I will make sure I too won't let him spend his first night.

He sighed. Avu stirred and her blur view fell on a figure which is in her room. She didn't recognize him and was about to shout but Sid ran to her side and shut her mouth with his palms on her mouth.

Sid (scared): Don't shout. It's me. Siddharth.

Avu's eyes were wide open. She slapped his hand which was on her mouth. He quickly jerked his hand from her mouth.

Avu (sitting on bed, shocked): What you are doing here at this hour?
Sid (smiling sheepishly): I was missing you. So came here to meet you.

Avu sighed and turned on the light. Sid sat in front of her and hug her, kissing her forehead. She slap on his back lightly but hug him back. Breaking the hug, Sid pulled her on his lap.

Avu (wrapping her arms around his neck): Why you came here?
Sid (wrapping his arms around her waist): I told you. I was missing you.
Avu: Ummm???
Sid: Tell me where you want to go for honeymoon?
Avu (raising her eyebrow): Hmm??
Sid (smirk): Babe after marriage we are going for honeymoon. So you decide place and I will decide what to do and other things.
Avu (thinking): Umm.... How about Haridwar?
Sid (shocked): Love.... I am talking about honeymoon. Huh!! Leave it. I will decide where to go and also what to do.
Avu: Then what's my need? You only go and enjoy your honeymoon.
Sid (whining): Stop it Baby. Huh!! What I will do alone?
Avu (smirk): Don't you know what to do on honeymoon? So bad. I was dreaming we will do this and that on our honeymoon but Thank God I am not joining you. Huh!
Sid (smiling innocently): You will teach me what to do and we will enjoy our honeymoon, okay?
Avu: Yeps! We will do shopping, roam beaches, eat, fun and sleep.
Sid: Oh ho!! Such a innocent kiddie I have.
Avu (giggle, pulling sid's cheeks, rubbing her nose with his): You are so cute.

Sid chuckled, hugging her. She smiled just then they heard the knock.

Voice: Avu why you are awake? You should take rest.

Sidneet looked at each other.

Sid: I need to go.

Avu nodded and stood. Sid kiss her forehead and mumble I love you then went from there. Avu opened the door.

Avu: Mumma I was sleeping only but I felt thirsty so wake up to drink water.
Sonia: Okay take rest.

Skips to evening. It sidneet's Mehandi. In Vaish's room. Vaish was getting khushi ready. Just then Abhi came in room.

Abhi: My princess is ready?

Abhi: My princess is ready?

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