Chapter 46

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Next morning. At hospital. Aman and Vaish came. They saw Avu and Sonia was sleeping. Sonia was beside avu on stool and rested her head on bed. Avu was lying on bed holding Sonia's hand.

Vaish and Aman went to Sonia. Vaish lightly tapped on Sonia's shoulder. Sonia woke up and saw them.

Aman: Sonia get fresh and have breakfast. You and Vaishu go home. I will stay here with avu.

Sonia nodded and went to washroom. Vaish sat on coach taking out breakfast. Aman sat with Avu.

Aman (kiss avu's forehead): Mera bacha please forgive your father. I couldn't protect you. Being a father it's my responsibility to protect my princess from cruel, evil and bad eyes but I couldn't. I am sorry baby.

He held her hand and kiss on it.

Aman (caressing her hair): Get well soon my baby love.

He sat their silently. Staring at avu, caressing her hair. Vaish was looking at them with teary eyes remembering her father. Few minutes later Sonia came. She saw vaish and went to her.

Sonia (patting her head): We are your family gudiya.

Vaish nodded with small smile and wiped her tears. They had breakfast.

Aman: Sonia go home and take rest. I am here with Avu.
Sonia: I am here for sometime. Let avu wake up then we will go.
Vaish: Yeah mamu.

Aman nodded. They sat there for sometime till avi wake up. After some minutes.

Avi starts sweating, clutching on bed sheet. Aman who was sitting beside avu saw her.

Aman (worried): Avnu princess
Avi (mumbling): No... No... Pl.. please leave... noo...

Everyone was worried. Avu open her eyes with jerk. She has tears in eyes.

Aman (caressing her cheek): Princess...
Avu (jerked his hand): Don't touch me. Don't...

Aman took his hand back. He was stunned by her words. Sonia makes Avu sit and hug her. Avu saw her mother and quickly hug her, hiding her face in her chest.

Sonia (rubbing her back): Calm down avu.. Calm down.
Aman: Avni bacha-
Avi (cuts him, scared): Go from here. Don't come near me. Go go...

She was sobbing violently, her body was shivering. Vaish ran out of room to call Dr.

Sonia: Avni calm down. Baby he is your dad. Calm down.
Avu (sobbing): Mom send them away. They will... mumma they will..... mom...
Aman (teary eyes): Calm down. I am going... You calm down.

Wiping his tears. He went out of room. His heart was shuttering. Nothing can be worst than this for a father. For father, daughter means his princess, angel, love, world. Father can't even think to harm his princess. But because of some bastards his princess is scared of his presence. What would she had face?

Vaish came with Dr. Sonia break the hug and make avni lay on bed. Dr was checking her and last she injected her. Few minutes later. Avni fell in slumber of sleep.

Dr: Don't worry. After everything she faced trauma isn't a big. She need to handle. She will be fine. At least by this she can take her pain out.

Sonia nodded. Dr went. Vaish call Aman inside. He entered in room with baby. He was scared of Avu's reaction. As his eyes fell on sleeping figure. He closed his eyes and calmed himself.

Sonia: I am here with Avu. Aman, vaishu you both go.
Vaish: Mami you and mamu go. I am here with avu.
Sonia: But-
Vaish (cuts her): I am here mami. You go and take rest.
Sonia: Okay! But Khushi?
Vaish: You and Kanchi will take care of her.
Sonia: Hmm.... Call me as soon as avu wake up. Soon I will come.

Vaish nodded. Aman and Sonia went. Vaish sat with avu.

Vaish's pov: I accepted Mahi's job. It's really good for me. Now I can be with khushi without worrying about job or leaving her alone with unknown. From next week my job will start. Now Avni-

Her chain of thoughts broke as Avni woke up and patted her hand. Vaish looked at avu.

Vaish (held avu's hand): You fine my little sisso?

Avu nodded.

Vaish: Come get fresh then have breakfast.

Avu nodded.

Vaish: Okay! Wait let me call nurse. So that she can remove dripper.
Avi: Di, I behaved badly with dad. He was hurt?
Vaish: How can he be hurt because of his princess? Still if you feel guilty you can say him sorry?
Avu: Yeah!
Vaish: You wait. I am coming.

Vaish went to call nurse. After getting fresh and having breakfast. Avneet sat on bed.

Avu: Di call dad.

Vaish nodded and call Aman. Avu apologize to him. After call.

Vaish: Now you don't think about anything. Everything will be fine.
Avu: Di in morning I didn't realised person was papa.
Vaish: I know avu. I can understand your feelings, pain and situation.
Avu (tears brimming in her eyes): This is the worst situation, pain ever.
Vaish: I know. Everyone says us we can understand your and all but actually no one can. This is worst than ever.
Avi (tears roll down on her cheeks): Hmm.... The way they were roaming hands on body. It was so disgusting. It feels like.... I can't even express it.
Vaish (close her eyes): Some venom snakes are moving and can kill any moment.
Avu (sobbing): True! Their lusty gaze was stabbing in body.
Vaish (sobbing): Yaa!! Everyone thinks killing rapist means punishing them and everything sort in victim's life. So everyone do rally, marches and all. Once rapist died. Everything is normal for whole world but not for victim.
Avu: Hmm....
Vaish: If a couple is kissing or hugging on road. People will give them names, lectures and disrespect but if someone is being raped on road at night. Same people will pass away silently or will join the rapist to have  fake fun. Now where the discipline, culture went?
Avi: We don't belong to this world anymore.
Vaish: Umm.... Some people give us sympathy, some disgust look and blames as we are criminals, some thinks as toy and try to use for satisfaction, some come to us with fake sympathy, some do favors as if our life isn't complete without their favors and some will give real respect like a girl should get that's what is more important for us.
Avu: Never you felt like you should die?
Vaish (looked at avu): I do. Even I do think that rather than giving birth to khushi. I could have done something with me.
Avu: I too want to die. This disgust feel isn't bearable.
Vaish (smile little): Whenever I see khushi. I feel like she is my everything. I did right by not taking harsh step. So you too think about mamu, mami?
Avu (Forwarding her hand): We both will live our life like common girls. For our mumma, papa, bhai, bhabhi, khushi, and each other. We don't want anyone else.
Vaish (accepting her hand): Hmm... Will always stand by each other's side. So for that you need to promise me. My little sissy will be her original version. You won't change yourself for anything.
Avu (nodded): Promise what about my didu? she changed herself fully. The cheerful and jolly girl is not anymore. So promise me you will bring my didu back?
Vaish: You won't take stress or pressure yourself. Share with me about it, okay?
Avu: You too di. I have seen you breaking down. Don't do that and share with me.

Vaish nodded. Both had tears in eyes and small smile on lips, holding each other's hand. Giving each other new Hopes.

All these was heard and seen by Sidshek.


You guys waited for this chapter so long but is it worthy?

Few of you suggested me not to add avneet's rape and gave me ideas like she can run and protect herself. 1 really appreciate your ideas and points but my main motive was to show how they feel after facing. We do say we can understand and all blah blah but it's fact we can't. This only can understand the one who faced it. So to show you. I added this. Hope you liked. Please drop your views on this points. It's really difficult to express these points and I am sure some mistakes or flaws will be. Drop your points regarding same and hoping and each and everyone to comment your point.

This is yesterday's chapter but editing took long time. So posting today's chapter by night.

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