Chapter 42

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In hospital. Avu was crying badly in Sonia's embrace. Sonia was trying to control but tears came out of her eyes throwing pain. Vibha went out of room and call Abhi. Abhi received call after few rings.

Vibha: Abhi... Avu got concious.
Abhi (sat on bed with jerk): Seriously? She is fine na?
Vibha: Yaa she is!
Abhi: Okay! I am coming.
Vibha: Okay!! Listen can you please share this with Vaishu? She will also be happy.
Abhi: Hmm.... Alright!
Vibha: Okay! Come soon.

They hang up the call. Abhi washed his face then went out of room. Khushi was living area playing with her carm He went to Vibha's room where vaish is! He stood at entrance as door was open. He saw vaish was holding paper with tears in eyes. Abhi knocked the door to gain her attention. As vaish heard the knock. She quickly wiped her tears and snapped in direction.

Abhi (nervous): Umm.... Avu is concious now. I am going to meet her. If you want to come then get ready in 10-15mins.

He left from there as he knew she ain't gonna answer him. Vaish smiled listening avi is concious. She hid the paper and went out of room.

Vaish (smiling): Khushi bacha come here.

Khushi ran to her mother. Vaish took her in room. They both got ready then went in living area. Abhi was sitting on sofa, tying his shoe lace. Vaish make sit khushi on sofa and bought the shoes. She sat making khushi wear her shoes.

Khushi (excited): Mumma! Mumma!! Mumma!!!
Vaish (looking at khushi): Hmm?
Khushi (excitedly shout): Pish?
Abhi's pov: She is obsessed with fish.
Vaish: No... We are going to meet Masi.
Khushi (clapping in excitement): Machiiii see pish mumma? (With Masi we will go to see fish mumma?)
Vaish (shook her head in disbelief): Hmm.... Okay!
Khushi (giggle): Mumma... mamu, mami, nani, nanu see Pish?
Vaish (smiled): Yaa baby your mamu, mami, nanu, nani will also come to see fish.
Khushi (shout in excitement): Mumma! Mumma!! Dadi, Chachu? Pwweeessseee? (Dadi and chachu also? Please?)

Vaish nodded with smile. Abhi was listening their talks. After listening dadi and chachu. He was waiting for his name as well. He so wish khushi will take his name as well but fate don't want it, breaking his Hopes and khushi was clapping and giggle not even looking at him.

After getting ready. They went out. Abhinavi didn't talk with each other a single word. They sat in car. Abhi on driver's seat. Vaish on passenger seat with khushi. Abhi started the car. Abhinavi was quiet but khushi was looking outside the window. She was saying something or can singing don't know what. Enjoying her own company. Abhi was taking glances of Khushnavi time to time. He was happy seeing khushi happy and enjoying.

After sometime. Abhi stopped the car and it was red signal. Khushi saw view was same so turned and look at front. She saw vehicles were stop. She looked at vaish.

Vaish: As vehicles will move. We will also go.

Khushi nodded with pout. She looked at front many cars was there. Khushi stood up of Vaish's lap. She lean towards car's board. Patting her hand on car's board.

Khushi (making voices): Peep peep.... Shide shide. Peep peep peep.... aleee shide peep peep peep.

Vaish shook her head in disbelief, thinking how easily she learnt these weird things. Abhi chuckled looking at khushi. He pressed horn. Listening horn. Khushi giggle. She jumped on Abhi's lap. Vaish got shocked at her sudden jump. Abhi protectively held her. One she stood properly on his lap.

Khushi (pressing horn): Alee!! Shide shide shide. Peep alee.

Soon the signal turn from red to orange.

Vaish (saw signal): Khushi come here now.
Khushi (enthusiastically pressing horn): Mumma peep peep.
Vaish (pointing at Abhi): He will see to it. You come here.
Khushi (pout): Mumma....
Vaish (rolling her eyes): Okay! Don't come here. Mumma will buy new baby.

Khushi quickly went to vaish. She kiss on Vaish's cheeks.

Khushi (hugging her): Mummaaa....

Abhi chuckled and as signal turned to green. He drove off.

Abhi's pov: Duh!! Both are drama queens. Exact copy of each other.

He remembered a flashback.


When abhinavi were dating. They went somewhere. After completing work. They came in parking.

Vaish: Abhi, I will drive car now.
Abhi: I will drive.
Vaish (pout): No.... me me me....
Abhi (rolling his eyes): Why you you you?
Vaish (smile sheepishly): I love to press horn. That peep peep.
Abhi (chuckled, pulling her cheeks): Such a kiddo you are!
Vaish (proudly): Oh yes! But cute one, right?
Abhi (pulling her close through waist): Ofcourse! But mine (peeking her lips)

Vaish (jerked him): No... not yours. I am papa's kiddo.
Abhi (again pull her close): Okay! So our daughter will be my cute kiddo.

Vaish blush.

Abhi: Ahem! Ahem!! Let's go?
Vaish (nodded): Peep peep

Abhi laugh. She too joined him.


After few minutes. They reached hospital.


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