Chapter 29

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As Sidnavi and Khushi reached Nigam house. They found Vibha was waiting for them in living area. Vibha too saw them.

Vibh (worried): What happened Vaishu? Are you Okay? Is khushi okay? What happened?

She cups Vaish's face and found vaish is having fever. Vaish was numb all the time. Everything was rushing in her mind. She wasn't in her senses.

Sid: Mom let us come in.

Vibha nodded. They make vaish sit on chair. Sid laid khushi on sofa and cover her with his jacket.

Vibha (caressing Vaish's hair, worried): What happened Sid say nah? Anyone said or did something vaishu? Say bacha.
Vaish (cracky voice): Please... please take care of my khushi.
Vibha (wiped Vaish's tears): Beta khushi is safe nah? Nothing happened to her nah? You tell me what happened to you?
Vaish (not in senses): I am looser. I can't do anything good. I am looser. Khushi isn't safe with me. She isn't illegitimate. She isn't burden. She is my princess. She is my lifeline. Please take care of her. She is pure soul. She won't be able to face this cruel world alone. Take care of her.

Vibha was trying to calm her and understand her words as well. Abhi was standing near door. He just stood there not knowing what to do. Sid went from there.

Vaish kept on saying which she said to Sid as well. Vibha and sid was trying to calm her but vaish wasn't listening to them.

After around half an hour. Door bell rang. Sid quickly open it. Rohan, Aman and Sonia came in.

Rohan (worried): What happened to her?
Sid: Don't know. Around one and half hour ago. Di called me and asked me to come and meet her. When I went there. She was standing near a cliff. Khushi was with her.

He narrates them everything. After listening everything. Aman panicked. He pushed Sid side and went to vaish. He sat beside her and hug her.

Aman (rubbing Vaish's back): Princess shant! Bas mera bacha. Everything will be fine. My princess is strong girl. She can fight with everything. Calm down.

Vaish broke down. Aman didn't said anything and let her cry, rubbing her back.

Vaish: I don't have any capacity now. I can't face or fight for anything. I am looser. Whomever I trust and love. They all leave me. I trusted on Abhi for my whole life. Loved him like anything. I loved Siddharth like my brother. Both left me thinking gold digger. I lost dad. My company. I lost my dignity when I was 2months pregnant. I couldn't my baby that time. My best friend broke my trust. He raped me. Everyone thinks I am slut. Everyone give khushi disgust looks as she don't have father. Avu... avu hates me and khushi. Hate me, say me anything, beat me, scold me but not my baby please. When I gave birth to khushi. I asked Mamu to buy a little house for me and khushi. We will live there. I will do job but mamu said when I have my own house. Why I need to live somewhere else. Today me and my baby is burden for all. No... no I am burden. I am burden. My baby isn't burden. She isn't mistake. Today avu hates me then Rohan, Mamu, mami and Kanchi too.

She kept on saying all these and alas she faint. By now everyone was silent and has tears in eyes. As vaish faint. Aman hug her more tight, trying to comfort her in his embrace. Nigam's got shock.

Vibha (scared): Is she okay?
Rohan (wiped his tears): Hmm.... She faints after alot of stress and overthinking. She got anxiety attack. So she was speaking whatever she faced since. Everything she was saying continuously.
Sid: But I don't hate her. She was saying you hate and all. It's been few days you don't hate her but whatever she was saying it was since day she had faced.

Abhi was stunned by everything said by Vaish and Rohan. His throat dried, knees felt weak. Heart skipped few beats and brain felt numb. With the support of door he stood there only trying to collect himself.

Sonia (wiped her tears, cracky voice): Vibha ji can vaishu stay here for few days? At home don't know why avu is behaving worst with vaish and khushi. She will too much stressed there. It's not good for her health.
Vibha: I can understand. No need to ask. She can live here.

Rohan went near khushi. He first noticed finger prints on her cheeks. He kiss her forehead.


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