Chapter 31

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Sid took khushi on his lap. Khushi ruffle his hair.

Sid (rolling his eyes): Oyyyeee!!!
Khushi (in her baby voice): Oyyiii!!
Sid (pout): Don't spoil my hair.
Khushi (glaring): You chup!!

Abhi was looking at her only with smile. Vibha smile at Sidshi and went in kitchen.

Khushi (hug sid): Banbar

She quickly broke the hug and looked at Sid with eyes wide open.

Khushi (pout): No Banbar. Chachuuuuu.
Sid (chuckled): Why?
Khushi (pout): Mumma says chachu, no banbar
Sid (smiled): Awwieee!! Umm.... I am your bandar and you are my little bandariya.
Khushi (shout in shock): Nooooooo Banbar you Chachu, Me kuchiii (khushi).
Sid (pulling her cheeks): No!! You are my cute little bandariya.
Khushi (glaring): You chup! Me kuchiii!!!
Abhi (chuckled): Bandar yaar shut up!
Khushi (irritated): Chachuuu. Machi says banbar.
Sid (scrunching his nose): Masi Masi chamchi.
Khushi (pout): No pampi. Chup chup chup!!
Abhi (giggle): But he is your chachu not mine.
Khushi (confused, looking at sid): Hmmm?

Sid nodded. Khushi jump from sid's lap. She ran in kitchen.

Khushi (patting Vibha's leg): Dadii you say chachu?
Vibha (confused): What I say to Sid?
Khushi (clapping her hands): Yeshhh!!!

She ran back living area, leaving Vibha confused. Vibha shook her head and continued her work. In living area. Khushi came back.

Khushi (excited): say Cciiddd.
Abhi (raising his eyebrow): Cid?
Khushi (smacking her forehead): Ale!! No.

Just then Vibha came with tea for all and milk for khushi.

Khushi (pout): Dadi (pointing at sid) says me pampi (she took long pause thinking word) badila (bandariya).
Vibha (confused): Ummm?
Sid (chuckled): Chamchi and Bandariya.
Khushi (glaring): You chup!!

Sid roll his eyes.

Khushi (pointing at abhi): says chachu Cidd. (She emphasized C trying to correct the word)

Abhi (mimicking khushi): Ciiddd?
Vibha (twisting ears of sidshek): You both stop troubling my doll. Shame on you both look at your and her age.

Sidshek was whining in pain and khushi was jumping in excitedly.

Sid (pointing at khushi): See how this bandariya is jumping mom.

Khushi frown and stopped jumping.

Khushi (angrily): Chup! Chup!! Chup!!! Chup!!!! Chup!!!!!
Vibha (leaving sidshek): Siddharth stop teasing her.
Sid (rubbing his ears): Huh!! Okay.
Vibha: Come baby have your milk.
Khushi (making faces): Chii mit (milk) dadi.

She handed tea to sidshek and make khushi sit between Sid and her. Khushi stood on sofa peeping in Sid's cup.

Khushi (smiled looking at tea): Chocy..... Chachu gimme.
Sid: This is not chocy. This is chai.
Khushi (excited): Yesh!!! Gimme.
Vibha: But this is not for babies.
Khushi (pout): Itu siii 🤏🤏 pwweeessseee (little bit please)

Sid poured a little in saucer/ plate. He forwarded to khushi. Khushi was about to take it.

Vibha: Be careful it's hot.
Sid: Don't take. I will make your drink.

Khushi nodded and starting blowing tea. Meanwhile Sidshek and Vibha quickly drank their tea then Sid make khushi drink her.

Khushi (after completing tea from saucer): Gimme.
Sid: Finish.
Khushi (frown): No...

Sid took cup and show her. Khushi then peep in Vibha's cup. It was also empty. She jumped from sofa and ran towards abhi. She peeped in abhi's cup. It was also empty.

Sid: See finish.
Khushi (pout): No pinich (finish) see (she pulled her top up showing her tummy).

(A/N: According to khushi finish means tummy full.)

Vibha (pull khushi towards herself): Come here. You have milk.
Khushi (pout): No mit dadi.

Abhi went in kitchen and brought chocolate powder. He added in milk. Color of milk turned to brownish.

Khushi (excitedly clapping): Yesh!!!
Vibha: Now complete it fast.

She was making her drink it.

Sid's pov: Till today I always feel like in morning mom, bhai and me a perfect start of day. Our full family having happy time. But this little munchkin today proved me wrong. No doubt me, bhai and mom do sit together to have morning tea but we usually get busy in phone or talk about business. Never our morning starts like this. Nothing can be bestest than this beautiful and stress free morning.

Sid was busy with his thoughts. Abhi was staring at khushi with ear to ear smile. Vibha was making khushi drink milk. Just then vaish came.

Khushi (excited): Mumma.
Vibha (patting beside her): Come vaishu.

Vaish sat beside Vibha and took khushi on lap. Khushi kiss her cheeks. Vaish peck her cheeks, forehead.

Vaish (pecking her nose): Good morning mumma ki jaan.
Khushi (pecking Vaish's nose): Yesh!! Mumma.

Sid looked at Vibha and she nodded.

Sid (nervously): Di.

He stood up and sat near her legs, held her hand.


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