Chapter 19

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After lunch.

Rohan: So I guess we should leave now?
Rahul: But Rohan, our flight is in evening 8. So what I am thinking it's about hour or two. We can spend here only then we will go.
Udit (patting rahul's back): Correct my boy. We are here only. From here directly we will leave for airport.
Abhi (rolling his eyes): I need to leave for meeting. Sid let's go.
Udit: Hey young man. This isn't good way to treat guests. You should spend sometime with us too. Meetings, business is permanent in life.
Rohan (mumble): Neither your way is good to be an unwanted guests. Fucking get out of Mumbai yaar.
Avu: Great idea Rahul. Anyways we get occasionally chance to meet you.

Whole family was looking at Avi oppssss sorry glaring.

Vaish (wisper): I so badly want to slap her.
Rohan (wisper): I agree.
Udit: So let's sit and talk.
Rohan (rolling his eyes): This is what we are doing since we came. I guess now walk is necessary for us or work out is necessary for us.
Udit (laughing): You young boys are really particular about your health.
Sid (fake smile): Ofcourse!! These packs we didn't got by eating and sitting only

Rahul glared him but nodded. Khushi was feeling sleepy. Vaish took her in arms, patting her back, making her sleep.

Rahul: Let's go for walk then. It's been long haven't traveled on Mumbai's streets.
Aman (nodded): Let's go.
Rohan (wisper): You all ladies stay here. Avneet should be away from this idiot. I don't know what exactly she is doing.
Kanchi, Vaish: Hmm....
Udit: Let's go.
Avu: Yaa uncle.
Vaish: Avu, we need to complete the work.
Rahul: Later on you guys can.
Vibha: No... It's important.
Udit: Alright. So who is coming?
Sonia: You all men go. We are here.
Rohan (before anyone could say anything): Yaa okay!! Let's go.

They drag Udit and Rahul. Once all men left.

Sonia (glaring avu): Avneet why you are agreeing for each and everything said by Udit and Rahul?
Avu (smiling nervously): Mom, you know nah saying no to him can be risky. So as precautions.
Sonia: But still Avneet. We will try to manage. No need say yes for everything.

Avu nodded.

Kanchi: Vaishu, khushi is sleeping. Make her sleep properly.
Vibha: Take her in my room.

Vaish nodded and took her in Vibha's room. She made khushi sleep. All ladies started cleaning dishes and kitchen though Vibha said no to them but they did.

With boys. Aman and Udit was walking in front. Discussing about don't know. Rohan, Rahul, Sid behind them. Rahul was showing off to them about his. They both were ignoring his blah blah.... Abhi in last silently walking. Thinking about something.

Sid turned and saw abhi. He ran towards him.

Sid (tapping abhi's shoulder): Bhai!
Abhi (came back to sense): Hmm... Yeah?
Sid: What are you thinking?
Abhi (nodded in no): Nothing.
Sid: Come on bhai. Don't lie to me.
Abhi: Khushi is really cute nah!
Sid (smiled): Yeps!
Abhi (mimicking khushi's voice): Banbar
Sid (frowned): Bhai!!
Abhi (giggle): Banbar.
Sid (rolling his eyes): Huh! If I am Banbar then you are bada Banbar.

Abhi looked at Sid then both chuckled.

Sid: Oh god! She is such a cutie pie.
Abhi (smiled): Hmm.... I don't know if she is seriously my daughter but true she is cute.

Sid nodded.

Sid's pov: Now you are saying if she is your daughter or not as you don't know about di but once you will spend proper time with khushi. You will say she is my princess. Look at her each and everything mostly are like you only.

Rohan came running to sidshek.

Rohan (panting): Yaar Siddharth be with me or I will die. He is literally eating my head. I wish instead of nose khushi should hit on his head.
Sid (smirk): We can ask khushi to hit again on his head.
Rohan (chuckled): Awesome. That too something heavy. So that he can go to coma.

Just then Rahul came.

Rahul: Who can go come?
Abhi (sternly): It's personal.
Rahul (rolling his eyes): Whatever.

They four was walking together. Again Rahul started his blah blah. This time along with Sid and Rohan, Abhi was also ignoring.

After sometime they went home back. Khushi too woke up. She was playing and running in whole house. Vibha and Vaish was in kitchen. Others was talking in living area. Abhi went in kitchen fully worried.


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