1.Small and simple.

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I'm Off the deep end,
watch as I dive in
I'll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface,
where they can't hurt us
We are far from the shallow now.

(by: Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper.)


"Will you both stop playing?" mom scolded me and dad, shoving another shirt into the suitcase.
"Darts are life mamma." dad replied throwing another one at the dart board.

Dad and I love to play darts, he taught me how to, when I was 6 and I've been in love with it ever since.

"We're gonna get late, Connor!" Mom yelled, giving up on a dress. She's been stressed out about this trip.

"Alright, alright. Here-" dad said, raising his hands in surrender, handing me the darts and walked over to mom. "I'll give you a hand in packing." He picked up a shirt, folding it.
Mom and dad are going to Mexico for their anniversary, dad's idea.

"Dad?" I called out, keeping the darts back at their place.
"Yeah, peach?" He asked, picking up a pair of jeans.
"How long will you be away? I can't cope up with Rease all by myself." I complained, intertwining my fingers.
"She's your younger sister peach." Dad said, raising his brows with a slight grin on his lips.

"So..." I replied, frowning and throwing my hands in the air.
"So... you should be able to handle her for a week." he replied, beaming.

"You're gonna be at uncle John's anyway so I think it's going to be fine." Mom added, hurriedly, stashing the suitcase with clothes.

Uncle John is dad's older brother, he's fun, her wife on the other hand, well she's just pure evil. They live not far away from us.

"Don't give them a hard time while we are away." Dad stated, zipping up a case.
"We won't" I replied with a big smile.
Dad patted my head softly, smiling and then left the room.

We are four people in this family, mom, dad, me and my little sister Trease, I call her Rease. She's a sweetheart but always makes a mess which I end up cleaning, every single time. She turned 5 this year.

Speak of the devil...

"Momma, dad's calling you both to the dinning table." she said slowly, looking up at mom.
"Yes baby, momma's coming, you go ahead." Mom replied kissing her on the cheek.

Trease and I left the room walking towards the dinning room to find dad settling food on the table for all of us, we sat on the chairs, so, did dad and after a while mom came to the table as well.

"Connor we should leave within the hour." mom said to dad in a stiff voice, resting her hands on her hips.

"I know, Melissa, but let's just sit with them for lunch, we won't be seeing them for a long time." dad said looking at mom with a hard face.

Mom rubber her forehead, sighing.
"Fine, I guess." She said, sitting between me and dad.

"Mom you deserve a break, you both do. You both work so hard every day for us." I said to both mom and dad.

"Yes, we do." Mom said kissing the side of my head.

There was a rule in our family: we will eat atleast one meal of the day together without failing. So mom and dad sat with us till me and Rease ate our lunch then dad brought their bags out of his room and sat them down by the front door.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now