18. War Buddy.

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Take my hand
Will you share this with me?
'cause darling without you
All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal
from the night sky
Will never be enough.

~Never Enough.
(By: Loren Allerd.)

2 years later...


Today was the day, when Bucky will come out of Wakanda. His doctors and Shuri approved of his condition. The Winter Soldier was entirely out of his brain. He was free.

Steve and I were sitting in the common room, everyone was waiting by the Jet for him. Bruce was going to go with him. Sam, Nat and I offered to come with, but he suggested on going alone. We didn't push him much, he knows Bucky the best.

"You ready?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder and slightly squeezing it. He slowly moved his head in assent.

"Yeah... Yeah, I am." He said, trying to sound happy. Not that he wasn't, he was just nervous to meet his old pal, after everything that had happened.

"He's still the Bucky you used to escape in bread vans with, you know." I said, trying to calm him down, earning a chuckle from him.
"Yeah." He said, grinning. "I should go." He said standing up, I stood up in front of him.

"Okay." I replied, with a positive smile.

"Thank you." He said, in a soft voice, looking down at me.
"My pleasure." I replied, still grinning.
Steve leaned in and places a kiss on my cheek.
After he backed off and stood still, I gave him a smile, he smiled back.

Then he left to get his old pal back.


After a while, I went to dad's office, to check up on him. Bucky was still a sensitive subject for him and I wanted to make sure that he was okay.

I knocked at the door. He motioned me to come in. I pushed the door in, walking ahead.

"Cap left to get his war buddy?" Dad asked, working on his screens.
I took a seat in front of him, putting my hands on the table.

"Yeah. About an hour ago." I said looking at my intertwined fingers.
Dad hummed in response, and kept working.

"You were going to meet Peter, right?" He asked, suddenly, catching my attention.
"Yeah, yeah. For lunch... Which is not for another hour." I replied, looking up at him, tucking my chin on my palms and elbows on the table. Dad, nodded, pressing his lips in response.

"You okay?" I asked, cautiously.
"Always." He replied, casually, looking at me. I tilted my head, raising my brows at him.

"Dad, I know when you're fine and when you're not..." I said, slowly.

Dad sighed loudly and slid the work he was doing to the table next to us, and went there to work. I turned in my seat to face him.

"I know how you feel about him." I said, slowly. He stopped working and looked straight ahead, keeping his hands on the table, inhaling sharply. He dropped his head, sighing. I waited patiently for him to speak up.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now