37. The Three Words.

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Don't be giving me the eye
Unless you got what I need
I hope your hips don't lie
Unless they're lying with me
The way you move it side to side
You don't even need to speak.

~Hips Don't Lie.
(By: Liam Payne.)

TO: Sexual interactions.

I woke up rubbing my eyes and turning over to find Bucky's side cold, I groan loudly before throwing the sheets away and sitting up. I pick up my tablet and pour a glass of water to take the pill.

I pick up Bucky's shirt from last night and wore it, doing just the middle button and walked out of my room to find Bucky cooking. I leaned over to the right wall, with my hands crossed over my chest looking at him.

"You got a death wish or something?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. He shot his head up to look at me, he raised his brows, eyes widened, running them all over me and coming to a halt at my face. His expressions changed from captivate to fright.

"I'm so sorry." He cleaned his hands with the towel, walking towards me. He put his hands around my shoulders and pulled me into a hug.

"You know I hate waking up alone." I complained, hugging him back.
"I know. I thought I'd come back to bed before you wake up." He defended himself rubbing my back.

"I always wake up early when you're not there." I murmured putting my chin on my shoulder. He kept rubbing my back to calm me down.
"A dream or the wave?" He asked, cautiously.
"Wave." I whispered, closing my eyes. He kissed the top of my head, pulling back to look at me.

"I promise, I'll never do it again." He said with pleading eyes. I hummed and nodded looking at him. "And god dammit you look hot in black." He licked his lips looking at my exposed skin.

I bit my lower lip, smiling at him and looking through my lashes.

"I'd fuck you so hard right now." He inhaled sharply looking at my chest, I blushed. "Take a bath, go. I'm making pancakes." He ordered, kissing my forehead. I started walking back to my room, giggling.

"Oh, hey." I said, coming back, he turned to see me with raised brows "we're going shopping with Rease after Clint and Thor leave." I said and he bowed and nodded, smiling. I sent him a toothy grin, shaking my head.


We're all standing around seeing off Thor and Clint.

"Please don't take this long to visit again." I said to Clint after giving him a hug. He chuckled.
"I'll try." He replied, kissing my forehead.

Everybody else said goodbye to him as well and he left for his home.

"See you later, Midgardians." Thor said, before calling heimdell and went back to Asgard, leaving his mark on the ground as always.

"That man's paying for it next time." Dad said, making everyone chuckle and grin. We all went back to our day, following our routines.


Bucky and I were in the elevator going to the parking lot to go pick up Rease and then go to the mall for shopping. We stepped out and walked over to the cars.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now