35. The 21st.

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Baby, you're so hot,
you make me shiver
With the fire you got,
This thing is started
I don't want it to stop,
You know you make me shiver.

(By: Ed Sheeran.)

Written in 3rd person:

Everyone in the tower was elevated for the evening, even a charity event is startling among the avengers.

Tony Stark loves his daughter more than anything in the entire universe, she changed him for the better and he could do everything to make her 21st birthday memorable.

Even in a tight schedule like his, he was supervising every bit of the event personally. Everyone was busy doing something for the party assigned by him.

Natasha finally revealed the dress she bought for Kristyn. She was obdurate about the outfit even though Kristyn tried to talk her out of it but she didn't budge.

Kristyn was speaking on the phone walking out of her room.

"Why not?" She said to the person on the other end, walking towards the kitchen.
"You're gonna be there, right?" She asked, walking the steps up. Bucky turned around to look at her, sitting on the middle couch.
"Is that right?" She asked giggling and blushing lightly, Bucky frowned at her.

"Okay. See ya. Love you too." She said, ending the call, smiling at her phone.

"Who was that?" Bucky asked her, frowning.

"Peter." She said and turned on her heels to get water.

"What did he want?" He asked, stiffly.
She turned to face him, drinking water.

"He's coming alone at the event today, I asked him why, so he replied so that he could give me his undivided attention." She replied laughing a little before taking another sip of her water, walking towards Bucky.

Listening to Kristyn, Bucky's guise changed. He was looking at her sternly now. She sat down beside him.

"What?" She asked, slightly piping. He rolled his eyes, shaking his head at her.
"Nothing." He spat, taking a sharp breath.

"You're not jealous of Peter now, are you?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.
"No." He replied, instantly. "I'm gonna go, pick up my outfit." He stood up and started walking out.

"Okay." She replied, smiling at him.


The event was in the tower on the built-in floors for events like this. Media wasn't invited. Pepper sent out the invitations, making sure that unnecessary guests aren't on the list.

Everyone was already present at the party, except Kristyn and Wanda. Nat and Bruce were on bar duty. All of them were looking stunning in their dresses, tuxedos and suits.

Wanda was with Kristyn, reassuring her that she looks marvelous and everything's going to be fine. Her silk dress had Lacey shoulders and deep neck. Tight on her body, emphasizing her curves, breasts and ass. She wore pencil heels.

 She wore pencil heels

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His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now