44. Together.

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No one compares,
You stand alone
To every record I own
Music to my heart
That's what you are
A song that goes on and on
I, I love you like a love song baby.

~I love you like a love song.
(By: Selena Gomez and The scene.)

TO: Sexual content, smut.

Start of a brand new year, standing here with the love of my life and the most amazing family in the whole wide world, sounds like a dream. Feeling and smelling the glacial winds on the top of the Avengers tower, together, waiting for the clock to strike 12.

"I hate this tradition of kissing a significant other on new year's eve." Sam pouted, standing beside me and Bucky.
"Sam, you can kiss Steve, I'm sure he won't mind." Nat said smirking at him.

"He's not his type." Bucky said, standing beside me by the railings on the roof.
"Someone's jealous." I murmured under my breath, smiling. He looked down at me, shaking his head.

"I'm just here to enjoy the fireworks." Steve said turning to face the city.
"Yeah, I love them too." I said turning on heels as well.

It's almost midnight. Everyone was talking among themselves, waiting for the fireworks to start and begin a new chapter of their lives.

"You're really not going to meet him?" Bucky asked standing in front on me, one hand on the railings.
"Meet whom?" I asked, frowning for a second.
"Your childhood friend." He sternly replied, rolling his eyes.

"Bucky we've been over this. No, I'm not going to meet him, and why are thinking about him this much, you've never been this distressed." I replied, moving my hand in the air.

"I'm not distressed." He moved his eyes over to the city "It's just, I keep messing up and-"
"He can be your replacement?" I cut him off, tilting my head in exhaustion.
He nodded, pressing his lips.

"And yet I'm standing here on new year's eve, with you." I replied in a softer voice.

"60 seconds to midnight!" Dad announced from the other side.

Bucky sighed and set his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him.
"First new year's resolution for you- No thinking about Theo." I said chuckling lightly, snaking my arms around his neck.
"Okay." He replied with a small smile, rubbing my lower back.

"30 Seconds!" We heard dad again.

"Would you like to be my Midnight kiss?" I asked blushing lightly, looking him in the eye. He chuckled.
"Yes. Every year for the rest of my life." He replied looking down at me with a grin.

10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4!

"3." I whispered, getting on my toes as he was leaning down "2." He leaned further down, smiling, his breath on my skin "1." I mouthed right before his lips were on mine and the fireworks went off in the night sky showering the luminance on the whole city. Yelling of the people of New York coming from all the directions.

Bucky and I were pouring the love and affection in the smiling kiss, as we stepped into a fresh year, Together. We broke the kiss, closed eyes, giggling slowly.

"Happy new year, Passerine." He whispered, looking down at me with his beautiful gaze.
"Happy new year, Buck." I murmured, looking up at him, playing with his hair ends on his neck, getting lost in his eyes. "I love you." Tears forming on the shell of my eyes.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now