53. Over Worked.

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But love me tonight, sweet girl of mine
Take all your time
I know that you're mine
So love me,
Like we don't have tomorrow
Like there's no time at all, love
Love me like tomorrow's
never gonna come.

(By: Zayn.)

TO: Sexual content, fluff, smut, strong language.

Written in 3rd person:

It had been over a month since Tony and Pepper went on their long honeymoon, which means that Kristyn's been the acting CEO of The Stark Industries for over a month. She had been doing pretty well with the help of the staff and Bruce, he's been aiding her in taking crucial decisions.

She wakes up early and goes late to bed. After the breakfast, she and Bruce go straight down to the office since Bruce is still going through past records and working on his hypothesis.

Now, they were having breakfast. While Bucky and Kristyn were sitting by the kitchen counter and the others were on the couch.

"Yes Marshall, I attended that meeting yesterday and I'm gonna send you the file once I recheck it." Kristyn said on the call while eating her cereal, tucking her phone between her ear and shoulder. Bucky was tilted his head looking at her. She raised a finger, scrunching her nose, indicating just one more minute.

"Yeah, I didn't sign those because we don't need that contract, it'll expose the company to a huge gamble of a deal." She said, getting up from her chair and walking towards the sink to put her bowl down. "Perfect. Yeah schedule for tomorrow morning, thanks. You're the best, Marshall." She replied smiling a little and ending the call.

"Who's this Marshall you've been talking to so much lately?" Nat asked turning around to see them with a smirk.

"He's Pepper's PA." Kristyn replied walking back on her seat.
"And why is he the best?" Sam asked in a mischievous voice.

"He's been helping me a lot and appreciating people for their work motivates them." Kristyn replied, sitting on her seat, leaning back on the counter.

"Is he hotter than Bucky?" Nat asked trying to suppress a smile. Kristyn looked over at Bucky, who was looking innocent, she looked back at Nat.

"You think Bucky's hot?" Kristyn asked narrowing her eyes at her, smiling. Nat looked at Bruce and then back at Kristyn. "I'm just messing with you." Kristyn said chuckling. "And for me no one's hotter than this piece of hotness." Kristyn grabbed Bucky's collar, pulling him closer to her to intertwine their lips. They both heard a few throat clears and groans but Bucky was smiling in the kiss, so was she. She broke the kiss slowly and winked at him, letting go of his shirt and sitting back on her seat.

"Alright I'm going down. Kristyn are you coming?" Bruce asked standing up.
"Yeah, let's go." Kristyn said to Bruce, standing up from her seat. "I love you." She said to Bucky before pecking his lips.

"I love you, more." Bucky replied with a small smile and Kristyn noticed it.
"I'll try to finish my work early today, I promise." She murmured softly. Bucky nodded, pressing his lips together. She tilted her head and pecked his lips again. "I promise." She said making him smile.

Turning on her heels she left the floor with Bruce to go down to the office. They set up their screens to start their works.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now