41. You Were Right.

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What you thinking?
You think that you could be,
Better off with somebody new.
No, oh oh, baby, no.
You aay you're leaving
Well, if you wanna leave,
There ain't nobody stopping you
No, oh oh, baby, no.

~Done For Me.
(By: Charlie Puth ft. Khelani.)

TO: Sexual content, smut.

Written in 3rd person:

Bucky and Kristyn were back together, not that they had broken up but they weren't together. He was having seconds thoughts about confronting Helen and Jim but her confessions were ruining his relationship and he was truly in love with Kristyn, so there was no way in hell, he was going to let that ruin this.

Bucky left sometime after lunch, in the evening and Kristyn went for her archery practice. After she did a dynamic round she shifted to a static one, she released an arrow and it hit the target perfectly.

"Nice shot." She heard someone compliment from the door. She turned to see who it was, Steve.

"Thanks." She replied, smiling and walked over to her table to put down her bow. "What brings you by?" She asked, leaning her back on the table.

"Just wanted to see you." He said, walking towards her.
"You saw me at breakfast Stevie." She said, tilting her head. He chuckled and nodded, standing beside her.

"I just wanted to know if you and Bucky were good." He said, crossing his arms, looking down at his feet.

"Well, after you gave him that nasty bruise, I'd say yeah." She replied grinning, earning a chuckle from him.

"He went to see her again-" He said, and she nodded "you okay?" He asked, sincerely.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's important for him to know the truth so... Yeah, I'm good." She replied, casually, even though she was a tad bit jealous.
"Can I ask you something?" He said, looking at her.

"Yeah, anything." She replied cheerfully.
"Bucky... Can be very hard to put up with sometimes but he's a really nice person and... He's never been in love before." He trailed off, slowly. "I just... I just want you both to be happy-" she cut him off, knowing what he's trying to say.

"I won't leave him Steve... Ever. I love him." She said, putting a hand on his arm, reassuring him. He pressed his lips together. "Besides, you are here to punch him again, if he does something stupid." She said, smiling at him.
"Yeah." He said in a chuckle, making her giggle. He looked over to her arrow heads. "Wow, trick arrows." He said, raising his brows picking one up.

"Yeah, you've seen them before." She replied, chuckling.
"This one's new." He said, smiling. "I don't get it, how do they even work?" He asked frowning.
"It's all about the velocity Stevie. And a little technical stuff in a few of them but mostly velocity." She replied, tilting her head and moving her hand in the air.

Steve sent her an amusing smile, putting the arrow back.

"I should leave archery upto you and Clint." Steve said, chuckling.
"More like just me." She said, sending him a sad smile. He nodded, pressing his lips.

"You miss him, huh?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"More than I show." She replied, chuckling and sitting on the table. "I miss being on the field with him, you know, knowing that if I screw up he'll be there to fix it." She said trying to put on a brave smile.

"You never screw up on the field." Steve said, furrowing his brows.
"Yeah, but I can." She said, smirking making Steve chuckle. "You remember, my first uncover mission?" She asked looking at him with a slight grin.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now