15. Aftermath.

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We're sleeping on our problems
like we'll solve them in our dreams
We wake up early morning and
they're still under the sheets
I'm lost in my head
I'm spinning again
Tryna find what to say to you.

(By: Louis Tomlinson.)

During the fight among the avengers, Vision made a mistake and hit Mr. Rhodes. Dad, Nat and I came with him to the hospital.

He was taken for a scan. I was sitting outside on a couch. My whole body was aching. Nat and dad were talking, standing behind the railing in the balcony.

Secratary Ross knew what Nat did, so, she can not stay for long. She was gonna go back to the tower with me. Since dad had some unfinished business to attend to.

"C'mon, let's go." Nat came from behind me and patted on my shoulder.
"Yeah, you wait in the car. I'm gonna go talk to dad." I said to her, standing up.
"Okay." She nodded and went ahead. I went back to dad who was still standing on the railing.

"Still mad?" I asked, standing next to him.
"Just a bit worried." He sighed, looking straight.

"Yeah, me too." I replied, looking forward.
"You should get back to the tower. Get rest. You face is half blue." He replied looking at me. I scoffed.
"Thanks, dad." I said with a grin.

"Come here." He said, pulling me in a hug. I hugged him back. Tightly. "Yep, I needed that." He said, resting his chin on my head and rubbing my back.
"Me too." I said, softly, closing my eyes for a while. He broke the hug, when he got notified about something. He looked at his phone and then back up at me.

"I'll see you back at the tower." He said and kissed my cheek.
"Okay. Take care." I said to him with a sad smile and left the floor to go downstairs. I found Nat sitting inside the car, waiting for me. I opened the door and sat down, closing it behind me.

The driver started the car. Both of us said nothing. I was pissed at her, not because she let them escape but she tore us apart. Call it my ego, but that was the truth. If Steve had agreed to come back, they could've talked it out. They could've gone together to the psychiatrist.

I was looking outside the window, thinking about everything that had happened. Meeting Peter was the only good thing that happened. He's a nice guy, I like him.

"Look, Kristyn-" Nat started, breaking my chain of thoughts.
"Nat. Just don't. " I replied, in a harsh tone. Natasha sighed and started looking out the window.


We reached the tower. I went straight to my floor and sat on the couch, with an ice pack, in my hand, icing my face.
After a while Nat walked in.

"I'm leaving." She said to me walking slowly towards me.
"Already?" I asked in a heavy voice.

"Yeah. Can't exactly stay While Ross is on my ass." She said sitting next to me.
"Yeah, well, you called it upon yourself." I replied looking at my hand.

"Wow. You really believe that." She said as a statement. That just made me furious.
"Yes, Nat. I do. You know why? Because, Half of the team is in the raft. Steve and Bucky are on the run and soon you will be too. Mr. Rhodes is fighting for his life, we don't even know he'll be able to walk again or not. Everybody hates somebody on the team, now." I said, running a hand in my hair.

"And you think it's my fault?" She asked, pinching her eye brows.
"No. But yours was the last action that tore the Avengers apart. My family apart!" I screamed at her, poking a finger in my chest and throwing the ice pack on the couch, standing up. I walked over to the windows, looking outside.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now