62. Something Blue.

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Like a rock, I was set in my ways
Always thought, I was too far from grace, yeah
I was numb before, but now I feel
Any problems, we'll figure it out
Any love lost, we'll bring back around
Any broken hearts, we'll make it heal
When I feel like, nothing's gonna hold me dow, hold me down, you do
Used to be scared of falling
Till you came around, came around.

(By: Liam Payne and Alesso.)

TO: Fluff, smut, sexual content.

Written in 3rd person:

Being a parent is a rollercoaster ride. Everyday you face new turns and you have to deal with them. Sometimes you hit a bump that hitches your breath and you become hesitant of them but they aren't going anywhere and you have to face them head on.

And just like that, Tony Stark hit a bump in his parenthood. His only daughter was getting married to the apparent killer of his parents. He was over that fact but still some part inside of him was pinning him down. He was extremely happy for her and just wanted to know if that's what she wants.

Tony was in his office, alone, working on something when Kristyn knocked on his door.

"Hey dad!" Kristyn greeted walking in his office.
"Hey, you look sharp." Tony said putting his arms on the table. "Going somewhere?" He asked as Kristyn sat in front of him.

"Yeah, a few last minute stuff for the wedding." Kristyn said with a smile and Tony sent her a nod. "What're you working on?"

"Just a prototype, minor upgrade, nothing flashy." Tony said sighing and avoiding her gaze.

"Dad." Kristyn said looking at him and he hummed looking up. "What do you want to talk about?" She asked, softly.

"What do you mean?" He asked frowning.
"Really?" She raised her brows. "You clearly want to talk about something. I know you enough to catch on your tells." She said with a smile. Tony sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Alright." Tony said rubbing his forehead. "I wanna ask you this and it's not related to anything in the past but it's just me looking out for you." He trailed off.

"Dad, you don't have to explain first to ask me anything. You have every right to do so." Kristyn said tilting her head. Tony nodded, pressing his lips together.

"Are you sure about the marriage?" He asked scrunching his eyes and Kristyn grinned slightly.

"You mean, marrying to... Bucky?" She said with a smile on her lips. "I am. I am, dad."
"I just don't want you to have any regrets." Tony said dropping his head. Kristyn pressed her lips together, tilting her head.

"Dad." Kristyn softly said sneaking her hands over his and holding them. "I love you for that and if you are not happy with me marrying Bucky then we can call off the wedding." She added.

"No. That's not-" he shook his head, sighing. "I've always seen you happy and I love your smile and I want you to stay happy for the rest of your life."

"And I will be." She slowly said. "I trust him, dad. He won't break my trust." She whispered, looking at him.

"I just want the best for you." Tony said sending her a tight smile
"I know." She mumbled with a grin. "And I also know that some part of you wants to trust Bucky as well... So let it." She said.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now