30. Passerine.

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But then, the sun came right back
And the birds, sang as if
nothing had happened
And it's alright, it's okay
We will get another day
To begin again.

~To begin again.
(By: Ingrid Michaelson, Zayn.)

TO: Fluff, sexual interactions.

I opened my eyes to a bright sunny day of November. The light rays peaking through the drapes on the windows.

I blinked a couple of times, slowly and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. Remembering everything about last night. A smile creeped onto my lips and shine in my eyes on the memory.

Bucky had his flesh hand wrapped around my waist and mine above his, fingers intertwined. I sunk back in, closer into his chest.

He pulled me and held me tighter than before, he started whining as if I was going away from him. I blushed at that. I relaxed in his arms, as did he.

I haven't had a good night's sleep in what feels like ages and a morning as soothing as this. I did have a weird dream just like the previous ones, visions that have never even happened, I sometimes wonder if they are more than just dreams.

"Morning, doll." Bucky mumbled, rubbing his cheek on mine and kissing it. I grinned at his morning voice. I love his morning voice, but today, it was different, it was full of emotions.

"Morning-" I said, turning my body to look at him, on my back. He buried his head in my shoulder "How'd you know, I was awake?" I asked, softly. Putting my hand in his hair, massaging his head. He hummed under the touch.

"Your heartbeat increase when you wake up everyday." He murmured against my neck. I could feel his lips moving on my skin, so his breath. I was constantly blushing, it was like a normal thing now, me blushing around Bucky.

"You hear my heartbeat?" I asked, massaging his head. He hummed in response, moving his head lightly.

"Heightened senses come in handy." He said, chuckling quietly. I did too.

He took a deep breath, moving his head up from shoulder. He supported his body up with his left elbow, and looked at me. I kept my hand on his cheek and he tilted his head into it.

He put his right palm on my jaw and grabbed it and pulled me in a kiss. A dominating kiss. Like he was marking me his. He pulled back after a while and looked down again.

"You're Irresistible." He said in a husky voice before leaning down again to kiss me. He pulled back after a while again. I frowned, smiling at what he was trying to do.

"Your glassy, big brown eyes, I love them" he mumbled and pecked my lips again.

"And these lips... I can kiss them all day long." He stated, moving his head seductively.

He leaned down and kissed me properly this time. He licked my lower lip, I parted mine to let his tongue in. Our lips moving in sync, his tongue dominating mine. He was completely hovering over me and I snaked my hands in his hair. He moaned in the kiss, turning me on but I was hungry, so I broke the kiss.

He frowned a little but relaxed when he saw I was grinning at him.

"I'm hungry." I said, pouting. He dropped all expressions, I smiled at him.
"Really? In the middle of this?" He asked, in a stiff voice but cute at the same time, I giggled.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now