60. Something New.

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I want the world to witness
When we finally say "I Do."
It's the way you love
I gotta give it back to you
I can't promise, picket fences
Or sunny afternoons
But at night, when I close my eyes
I see us in black and white
Crystal clear on a start lit night
In all your gorgeous colors
I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life.

~Black And White.
(By: Niall Horan.)

Nat, Wanda, Sam, Steve, Bucky and I were sitting in the living room after the breakfast. Nat, Wan and I will be going bridal shopping while the boys will be going shopping with the groom.

"Kristy, you've got time." Sam said looking back at me.
"For what?" I asked furrowing my brows.

"To change your mind about the wedding or else you'll be stuck with his ass." He replied, tilting his head towards Bucky who was sitting beside me and rolled his eyes at Sam.

"Too late Sammy, I'm happy with his ass." I said looking at Sam and then at Bucky, smiling. Sam scoffed, leaning back on the couch.

"Hey Kristyn, we should go it'll take a long time to decide your gown." Nat said to me, catching my attention.

"Yeah Buck, we should too, pal." Steve said to Bucky and he nodded.

"Yeah okay." I said to Nat, standing up.

"Wan and I'll be waiting for you in the car." Nat said walking out of the apartment. Bucky followed me to my our room while Sam and Steve left as well.

"I don't want to go shopping." Bucky said walking inside the room behind me and I chuckled.
"Why?" I asked turning to face him.

"They'll ask me to wear different shades of black for no reason and they'll look the same anyway." He said snaking his arms around my waist.

"You're getting married baby, you should like to be pampered a bit." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck, getting on my toes.

"I'd rather stay here with you." He said leaning down.
"I'm going out as well." I said giggling as he started kissing my cheeks and jaw, tickling with his stubble. "I have to go, they'll kill me if I postpone."

"It's your wedding dress, you can do whatever you like." He murmured against my neck before licking my favourite spot which made me close my eyes.

"Bucky..." I whined, massaging his head and he hummed in response. "I have to go." I said in a breathy voice and he smooched one more time before inhaling sharply, pulling back and looking at me.

"Okay fine, run away from me, everybody leaves me." He said in a low voice, looking away. I chuckled at him, slapping his chest lightly.

"Drama queen." I said giggling and holding his shoulders, standing back. "See you later." I got my toes again and pecked his lips, smiling.

"Have fun." He said grinning down at me, I reciprocated it.

I changed my clothes and went down to find Wan and Nat waiting for me, I sat beside Nat while Wanda was sitting in the back seat.

"So, where we going?" I asked putting my seatbelt on.

"Paradise, baby." Nat said winking at me and turning the car on. I chuckled, shaking my head.

"So, how's the engaged life feels like?" Wanda asked scrunching forward.

"Uhm it's good, it doesn't make me feel much different... I mean it's not like we were in a casual relationship." I said, adjusting in my seat, so I was facing Nat and Wanda.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now