67. Traditions.

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How was I to know? It's a crazy thing
I showed you my hand and
you still let me win
And who was I to say that this is meant to be, the road that was broken
Brought us together, and I know
You could fall for a thousand kings
And hearts, that would give you
a diamond ring, when I fold,
You see the best in me
The joker and the queen.

~The Joker And The Queen.
(By: Ed Sheeran.)

Written in 3rd person:

After being tied in the sacred knot of marriage, Bucky and Kristyn found themselves in an fun and embarrassing situation. Kristyn was standing in the middle of the crowd on a small table with Trease and Steve holding either of her hands, supporting her and Bucky was standing in front, looking up at her.

"Bucky, you need to removed the garter tied somewhere on her leg with your mouth but you can not cheat and see where it is. So, I'm going to tie this blind fold on your eyes." Nat said standing beside Bucky.

"I mean, is it necessary?" Bucky asked looking at Kristyn.
"Hey, don't look at me, it's my first time getting married, too." Kristyn said making the crowd laugh. Bucky sighed, tilting his head at her and she shrugged.

"Alright. Let's do this." Bucky said flicking his finger, at Nat and turning around so she could put the blind fold on. Natasha ties the blind fold and held Bucky's hand, turning him so he was facing Kristyn.

Putting his hands out, Bucky stepped closer to Kristyn.

"Buck, don't push the table and make me fall on my ass." Kristyn said, smiling and the people chuckled.
"Don't worry, darling." He said in a husky voice, holding the hem of her dress and the crowd cheered for him.

Bucky bent down getting under the layers of her dress and Kristyn giggled as he touched her bare leg. Bucky encircled the ankle of her right leg with both palms and grazed her skin, slowly going up, sending shivers through her body.

His palms went all the way up to her bridal panties and Kristyn bent her knee a little, warning him. Bucky chuckled, softly and held her another ankle. Slowly going up just like before and his hand hit the garter and Kristyn's smile grew but Bucky's mind went wild.

He held the garter with one hand and sneaked his other one up to the material covering her pussy, lightly grazing the back of his two fingers over the material, making Kristyn flinch and clear her throat. She could feel the smirk on Bucky's face.

"C'mon man, you can't find a simple thing?" Sam yelled among the chatter of the crowd.

Oh, he found the thing. Even with his eyes closed. Kristyn thought, gulping down.

Bucky's fingers were rubbing her clit through the panties and Kristyn was trying everything she could to keep her face straight and eyes open. Bucky changed his fingers with his thumb, making circles over her bud and Kristyn pressed her thighs together and Steve and Trease held her hands tighter.

"You okay?" Steve and Trease asked in unison, thinking she was losing her balance.

"Yeah, it's just ticklish." Kristyn murmured, making Trease and Steve chuckle. Kristyn's cheeks were burning from all the blushing.

"Buck, c'mon pal, what's taking so long?" Steve asked, smiling.
"Yeah, leave some for the honeymoon." Trease said, giggling.
"Rease!" Kristyn squealed, softly.

Bucky let go of her clit and Kristyn sighed. He held the garter in his teeth and slid it down her ankles and then carefully removed it with his hands before removing his blind folds.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now