38. No Holding Back.

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Baby, pay attention listen to my voice,
Pick a position baby,
I'll give you the choice.
I know you like it
'cause you're making all that noise, oh.
The way you look at me
When you're on your knees, girl,
Let me see those eyes, oh baby
Say my name, right to my face
You know just what I like.

~Look At Me.
(By: Why Don't We.)

TO: Sexual intercourse, smut.

Written in 3rd person:

After dinner Kristyn was sitting on the recamier in the living room as Bucky was with Sam and Steve.
She couldn't stop thinking about the way Bucky told her that he's in love with her and now they were both on the same page.

She was deep into her thoughts looking at the stars and the shining street lights were making her eyes glitter, when Bucky entered the apartment.

"Hey." He said, walking towards her.
She turned to face him, smiling.
"Hey. Caught up with the boys?" She asked, tucking her knees to her chest.

"Yeah. Sam wants a girlfriend." He said chuckling and sitting in front of her. She hummed, smiling. He narrowed his eyes at her, suspecting the hint of lust in her's.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked in a heavy voice. She blushed and shook her head lightly.
"Nothing." She murmured. He tilted his head, and then removed his shirt, exposing his bare chest. Kristyn's breath grew unsteady.

"You sure about that?" He said huskily, leaning back, his tags clinking together as he did.
"Mm hmm." She nodded slightly, looking at his chest, raising her brows.
"Okay." He said, standing up and going towards her room.

She frowned and dropped her legs down. Closing her eyes and calming herself down. She wanted to do the only thing she hadn't done yet with Bucky and she was nervous about it. What if Bucky doesn't like it? Even though he was cool about it and she genuinely wanted to do it but she was on her toes about doing it.

Bucky went inside her room and closed the door. She stood up and walked towards her room. She took a deep breath before opening the door slowly. Bucky was sitting in the middle of one edge of the bed, hands behind him, hoisting himself up, still shirtless.

"Actually-" Kristyn said, closing the door and walking towards Bucky, slowly. "I was thinking about you."

"What about me?" He asked, plainly. She went over to him and sat on his lap, legs on either side of him, hands on his shoulders and neck. He put his hands on her lower back, sitting closer to her.

"Everything." She said in a seductive voice, eyes filled with lust, making him drop the slight smile he had and reciprocate her expressions.

Kristyn leaned in and crashed their lips together, moving their lips in unison. Bucky moved his hands under her top and pushed it up and removed it over her head. Their tongues found their way into each other's mouths, intertwining them.

Bucky unclasped her bra, making her moan. She removed it from her shoulders and threw it away. His hands roaming on her naked back.
He was biting and sucking on her lower lip, so was she, moaning into each other's mouths.

Bucky unbuttoned her jeans and tucked his thumbs on both sides. She readjusted her body, so he could slide them down, he pushed her jeans and panties down to her knees and she pushed them down with her legs and kicked them away and sat back on his lap.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now