7.Nice of you to show up.

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They said I needed something in my life
Said I was doing dumb shit all the time
Cause broken dreams won't pay your bills at all
I heard it was the wrong things I get right.

(By: Alan walker.)

2 months later.

It has been 2 months since I've been doing my training, I have my clearance test of beginners protocol in another month and I'm pretty confident about it.

Sara will take my test herself. Tony and Pepper will be there as spectators or more like to approve.

Today's sunday, and it's my rest day but I had nothing else to do so I thought of killing some time here in the gym.

I visited Rease quite a few times the past months, she's the same, happy and jumpy like always. She did ask me though, about why I don't visit her as often now, so I told her that I get tired because of work and also that I now take defence classes so don't get time. I don't like lying to her but it's the necessary evil.

I was throwing punches on the punching bag, thinking about how my life has changed since the day I stepped my foot in this tower.

I have a father figure now. Pepper is also my guardian, speaking of which Tony and Pepper are my legal guardians now. They talked it over through their lawyers to my uncle and aunt and just like I had thought they were more than happy to give me away. I can never repay or even thank Tony and pepper enough for everything they've done.

I spend my extra time either reading or learning tech with Tony in his office. Bruce also teaches me stuff. Like genetic engineering. There's one hell of a woman named Dr Cho she comes by every now and then, she's a genius too. She works with Bruce all the time. Bruce and I have bonded well.

I was deep in my thoughts and punching the shit out of the bag when I heard someone from behind.

"What did that bag do to you?"

I turned around to see Clint leaning on the ring frame with hands crossed above his chest. Grinning at me.

I held the bag with my left hand and dropped my right one on the side, chuckling, looking at him then at the floor.

"Nice of you to finally show up." I said walking up to him.
"Yeah, I missed you too." he said giving me a side hug.

"Sorry, I'm all sweaty" I Apologised.
"I can see that. You've improved so much." he complimented.

"Thank you. I've been training for 2 months now. I have a test after next month." I informed. Removing the gloves and then the tapes from my hands.
"That protocol shit?" Clint asked, frowning at me.

"Yeah" I said putting the gloves back.
"Stark had that planned for you even before we came to your appartment." Clint said chuckling.

"He did?" I asked, surprised.
"Yeah." He nodded.
I wiped the sweat away with a towel and put it on the bench.

"So... are you gonna stay this time?" I asked, hopefully.
"Yeah. Atleast until further summoning from the boss man." Clint replied, smiling a bit.

"Good, you can teach me archery then." I said, grinning at him.
"You wanna start now?" He asked raising his brows.

"Yeah, maybe after a shower." I said with huff laugh.
"Okay. Meet me in basement 2 in an hour?" Clint questioned.
"Absolutely." I replied.

Clint left the gym with me. We walked to the elevator together, he went to see Tony and I went to my floor.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now