52. Dr. Stephen Strange.

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I've been havin' dreams,
Jumpin' on a trampoline,
Flippin' in the air,
I never land, just float there.
As I'm looking up
Suddenly the sky erupts
Flames alight the trees
Spread to fallin' leaves
Now they are right upon me.

(By: SHAED with Zayn.)

"Why are you face timing me on your honeymoon?" I asked as I walked out of the kitchen and to the couches, sitting down beside Bucky.
"Just because I'm married now doesn't mean I lost my dad privileges." Dad replied sternly, on the call.
"I know you didn't, but it's your honeymoon, go enjoy." I replied, smiling a little.

"Yes, we just called to let you know that you're the acting CEO now." Pepper said sitting behind dad, grinning and tilting her head. While dad was nodding his head, pressing his lips together.

I raised my brows, looking at them in disbelief for a while.
"What!?" I squealed, bucking my head.

"Yeah. Go down to my office, you know your way around and run the company till we come back." Dad said, waving his hand.

"Dad, it's the Stark Industries we are talking about, you can't just make me The CEO. And you guys won't come back for like 2 months. Pepper." I said her name in a squeaky voice.

"Yeah, I'm on board." She replied smiling slightly. "And we are not just making you the CEO. You deserve it, you're really smart, you just don't know how much, but we do." She replied tapping dad's shoulders.

"But what if I screw up?" I asked in a low voice. Thinking, how much faith they have in me and I'm not experienced enough to run the company.
"Then you'll screw up. You can't possibly screw as much as I did. And you're not gonna screw it, I know. Break a leg. Bye bye. Love you." Dad said waving his hand.

"O-okay. Yeah. Bye. Love you, too." I replied and he ended the call. I kept my phone on my lap, leaning back on the couch. Thinking of every possibility of me messing it up. I inhaled sharply and exhaled it through my mouth, groaning and rubbing my face.

"Hey." Bucky called out as he shifted closer to me and slipped his hand behind my neck, caressing my shoulders. "You'll be fine." He purred.

"I don't know." I whined, pouting.
"I do." He pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around me and I sunk in his chest. "You are figuratively the little female version of Tony Stark. Beside one of my best friends once asked me to believe in myself as she did. You should take that advice." He said smiling. I chuckled softly, remembering the day in the diner.

"Thanks." I murmured and he placed a kiss on my forehead. I sat back, looking at him. "I'm gonna go down and figure out what I have to do." I said, slightly confident and grinning.

"Okay." Bucky replied, nodding lightly.

I stood up and went out of the apartment and down to dad's office. I pushed the door in to find Bruce working on something.

"Hey, Bruce." I greeted him, walking in with a smile.
"Hey. Tony finally tell you?" He asked, slightly grinning and looking through his glasses.

"Yeah, after 3 days of returning for the venue." I replied, walking towards the spare table and sitting on the chair behind it. "I don't know, if I'm capable of it."

"You are. Tony and Pepper didn't think twice about choosing you." Bruce said turning to face me, sending me a grin. I beamed at him and nodded a little.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now