42. Year End.

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I know some people they would die for
We run together, they're my family
When I get up they gonna be
high with me
I'll say forever my family.

(By: The Chainsmokers, Kygo.)

TO: Fluff, minor sexual content.

We were all just hanging out after breakfast. Nat, Sam and Steve were sitting on the couches while me and Bucky were sitting on the chairs by the kitchen counter, showing eachother knife twirls, like kids.

"Nice one." I whispered, narrowing my eyes, smiling at Bucky. He mouthed thanks, grinning.

"How do you even do that?" Nat asked, looking at us.
"It just happens." I replied, smiling and Bucky nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, but while you're fighting? Doesn't your fingers get in the way?" She asked tilting her head.
"It's actually easier in a fight. Comes naturally." Bucky said, and I nodded in agreement.
"That's what she said!" Sam exclaimed, suddenly bursting out laughing. Steve dropped his head.

"Unbelievable." Bucky said, shaking his head. While me and Nat were grinning lightly shaking our heads.

"He's watching The Office." Steve said, pressing his lips together.

"Everybody, Mr. Stark wants you to get off your asses and come down to the meeting room." Friday made the announcement, making half of us groan.

We stood up and went down to the meeting room, finding dad and Bruce already there.

"Hey geniuses." I said cheerfully walking towards the other side of the table and sitting down. Others greeted them too and took their seats.

"Hey sweetie." Dad said to me, sending me a beam. "Where's Wanda?" He asked frowning. We shook our heads as we didn't know.

"I swear, Jarvis was acquiescent as the AI." Dad murmured shaking his head.
"Friday, be a dear and call Wanda, again." Dad instructed just as Wanda and Vision entered the room. "Oh, no need now."

"I'm sorry, we were having breakfast." She said, walking in.
"Thanks for making an appearance." Dad said as they both sat down beside me.

I smiled, licking my upper lip and leaning back, closer to her.
"Can't keep your hands off of eachother, can you?" I whispered, she blushed and slapped my shoulder making me giggle and sit back.

"Alright so, as you all are aware-" Dad started rubbing his palms together "Christmas is next week." He said opening his arms.

"Wow, Tony you know how to read a calendar." Nat said, sarcastically grinning at him.
"Too bad, you don't." He replied, peaking through his glasses. She suppressed a smile, we were all smiling, shamelessly.

"On Christmas Eve, I am organising a Christmas party at the Paramount country club." Dad said, sitting down on his chair, casually. While the air was knocked out of all of us.

"A party? At paramount country club?" Sam said dumbfounded.
"Yes. It's more like a ball but without the ballroom dancing." Dad replied instantly, looking at his watch.
"Tony, that must've cost you a fortune." Steve said, placing his hand on the table.
"Sometimes you really forget how opulent he is." Nat said, smirking at dad.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now