48. The Wilsons

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When it comes to love,
You're just as blinded, baby please
Come back, it wasn't you,
Baby It was me.
Maybe our relationship
Isn't as crazy as it seems.
Maybe that's what happens
When a tornado meets a volcano.
All I know is, I love you too much
To walk away now.

~Love The Way You Lie.
(By: Eminem, Rihanna.)

TO: Fluff, sexual content, slight smut.

Reaching The Wilson house, Sam showed us the way in to meet his sister and his two nephews.

"Heyy." Sam said walking in through the main door.
"Uncle Sam!" His nephews came yelling towards him, Sam sat down to  hug them.
"It's so good to see you." He said laughing and standing up.

"How are you, Sarah?" Sam asked smiling at his sister, pulling her into a hug.
"I've been better. Welcome back home." She said, hugging him with a big smile on her face.

Bucky, Rease and I were looking at their family reunion.

"Sarah, you know Bucky." Sam said to her, Bucky and Sarah shook hands, smiling. "And this is Kristyn Stark and her younger sister Trease Price." He introduced us, she shook our hands as well.
"Thanks for having us." I said, smiling at her.

"Why do you have different surnames if you're siblings?" She asked, furrowing her brows a little.
"Oh, I'm adopted but we share the same birth parents." I told her with a small grin.

"Oh, well, come in make yourself at home. It's really good to meet you all." Sarah said walking us inside the living room. Bucky and I sat together while Rease sat on a chair. While the Wilsons went into the kitchen. Sam's nephews came upto me.

"Hello." One of them said.
"Hi, what are you names?" I asked both of them, leaning forward to shake their hands.

"I'm AJ, this is Cass." AJ told me.
"Cool names." I said to them, smiling.
"You are really pretty." Cass said, and I raised my brows at the cutest compliment.

"Thank you so much, that's so sweet." I replied giggling. "Hey, why don't you guys show my sister around?" I asked, beaming at them.
"Yes, sure." They said in unison and then took Rease out with them.

I was looking at them smiling as I leaned back on the couch beside Bucky. He put his hand around my shoulders.

"You're really good with kids." He said, his lips curled up at the edges.
"Well, I practically raised Rease, so." I said shrugging.

"Yeah. You like kids?" He asked slowly.
"As long as they are not mine." I joked chuckling at the end. Bucky's smile dropped a little.

"Hey guys, lunch is ready, c'mon." Sam said walking inside the room.
"Alright." We said, standing up and following him to the dinning table.

"Where are the kids?" Sarah asked, placing a bowl in the center of the table as we sat down around it. Bucky sat beside me while Sam sat parallel to me with Sarah.

"Oh, they went out to show Rease around. I should go call them." I said standing up.
"Oh no, you sit I'll get them." Sarah waved her hand in the air, smiling and went out to get the kids.

"Sam, any luck pursuing her with the boat situation?" I asked looking at a rather troubled Sam. He sighed, shaking his head.

"Not yet. But I think I can get to her." He sounded optimistic.
"Ofcourse, and once we'll fix it, it'll be good as new." I told him with a soft grin. He sent me a ghost of a smile.
"Thanks." He said with a proper grin.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now