20.Wise Choice.

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I know, you were
way too bright for me
I'm hopeless, broken, so you
Wait for me in the sky
Brown my skin just right
You're so golden.

(By: Harry Styles.)

It had been 2 days since Steve and I went out with Bucky. I haven't heard from him since. Steve also didn't tell me anything about Bucky moving in or anything else about him.

I was getting ready to leave, visit my sister. It had been the longest time. I visited her 3 weeks ago, she's gonna ask me a lot of questions. Last time I met her, I told her that I got a job in marketing, so, she understood the work load and my lack of visitation.

I left my apartment and took the elevator to dad's office first, I had to tell him, I was leaving, or else he'd get paranoid.
Elevator came to a halt, doors opened and I stepped out, walking over to dad's office. I pushed the door open.

"Morning dad!" I greeted him with a warm smile.
"Morning sunshine." He replied, smiling. I walked upto him and gave him a sweet hug.

"You're going somewhere?" He asked, frowning, looking at me.
"Uh yes. I was thinking about visiting Trease." I replied, pressing my lips.

"Good. You should go out more. You stay couped up in here." Dad suggested.
"Yeah... I'll be back by the evening." I said, walking towards the door.

"Have fun!" I heard dad from behind.
"I will!" I replied, yelling back and leaving his office. I trailed over tot he elevator.

When I reached the ground floor I saw a tall guy with dark hair standing at the reception. I narrowed my eyes, walking towards the man.

"Bucky?" I asked, still not sure.

The man turned around to see me, it was Bucky.
"Kristyn. Hey." He said, coming close to me, giving me a side hug. I hugged him back.

"Hi... What brings you by?" I asked, standing in front of him. He looked around then down at his hands.

"A new friend of mine, gave me a realisation, that... I needed to believe in myself and that... She does too." He said to me, half smiling. I beamed at his words knowing complete well who he was talking about.

"Hmm sounds like a wise friend." I played along, grinning and frowning at him.

"She is." He replied, smiling.
"Oh it's a she? Shocker." I said in a mocking voice. He chuckled, and I laughed.

"So... I'm just here to do, what I should've done a long time ago. After a lot of procrastinating... I'm ready." He said, with a confident look.

"C'mon, I'll show you the way." I said, tilting my head in the direction of stairs.
"Don't you have any place to go? You look like you were going somewhere." He said, not moving from his place.

"Oh, that can wait a little while longer." I said, and started walking towards the elevator, Bucky followed me.

I put my hand on the scanner and it opened. I stepped in, so did Bucky. I pressed the buttons to dad's floor.

I could sense that Bucky was tensed. And was having second thoughts about this.

"Don't be nervous-" I said looking at him "it'd be just fine." I reassured.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now