2.The Battle Of New York.

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And I know, you'll find someone who
Gives you the time I didn't give to you
I'm running low,
I'm sorry but I have to go.
It may be I will never feel
You give me something so real.

~Running Low.
(By: Shawn Mendes.)


Julie and I were hiding behind the metal counter of the shop. Everyone was panicking and running to save their lives. The shop had brick walls and no glasses except the front door and a small window on the from wall.

We didn't have enough time to run out as flying cars and obnoxious looking creatures were colliding repetitively in the streets, so, we decided to hide behind the metal counter, instead.

I peaked above the platform to see if the crashing had simmered down but instead, I saw a few kids hiding behind a broken car on the side walks.

"Julie there are kids trapped outside!" I exclaimed, looking at the terrified kids.
"You are a kid too, stay here!" She shouted at me, grabbing my arm and pulling me back down.
"I'm older than them, I'll go and get them!" I yelled because of the noise, flicking my gaze between the kids and Julie.

"No! The good guys will help them!" She said, regarding the heros in costumes fighting outside.
"They are fighting the alien thingys, already!" I screamed, still looking at the children.

I didn't wait for Julie to reply and ran out of the shop. As soon as I stepped out of the door, one the creatures was thrown in my direction by the Captain America, I stepped back, dodging it, he quickly turned to fight the other ones off.

I know Captain America, Bruce Banner a.k.a The Hulk and Tony Stark a.k.a The Ironman but didn't know anybody else fighting these intruders.

I cautiously ran to the kids trapped on the side walks, dodging and ducking everything that was floating over my head or came my way. They were school kids not more than 6 year olds, so petite that I wasn't surprised, no one else saw them. They were crying and shivering with fear.

"Hey, hey guys. Don't worry we're gonna get out of here. Alright?" I said calmly, placing my hands on their backs.

They all nodded, crying and reached for my hands. There were around 4 to 5 kids, I didn't exactly had the time to count them.

Before asking them to walk with me, I took a quick look, around to find a handsome guy with a bow and arrow aimed at me, before I could even fathom the situation, the arrow was coming right at our direction, I scrunched my eyes and ducked, bending the kids with me. After a second, I heard a loud thud from behind me. Shooting my eyes open, I looked back at one of the aliens lying on the ground with the an arrow in the middle of his forehead.

"Get out of there, go!" The guy yelled and I looked at him and gave him a nod before covering the kids with both of my arms and my whole body, we paced towards the shop where I saw Julie waiting for us to get inside.

I was about to reach the shop with the kids and before I could reach the shop, I saw the archer getting out numbered by the invaders. I stress-sighed but kept running towards Julie to get the kids to safety.

"Julie, take them!" I said, looking at the archer with concerned eyes.
"Come in. Quick!" She exclaimed, rushing the kids inside through the door.

"I'll be right back, keep them safe!" I told her before running back out, again.
"Where do you think you're going. Get back here!" I heard Julie from behind but I kept running.

Since the night I got robbed or whatever you'd like to call it, I always kept two knives, strapped on my ankles to deal with any uncertainty.

I ran towards the Archer and knelt down at a certain distance, eloping my knives and threw one at the invader who was choking the archer from behind while the archer fought the others with his legs.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now