27. The Kiss.

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In a blink of an eye,
Just a whisper of smoke
You could lose everything,
The truth is you never know
So, I'll kiss you longer, baby,
Any chance I get.

~Like I'm gonna lose you.
(By: Meghan Trainor ft. John Legend.)

TO: Minor sexual interaction.

We came back after dad called, he just wanted to know where I was. Bucky didn't speak the whole walk back. I didn't have anything to say, either. We walked in silence, not an awkward one quite the opposite actually.

We came back and went to our seperate rooms. I changed into an oversized sweatshirt and shorts. We went for dinner, but still didn't say anything.

Sam told everyone that me and Bucky went out today, so everyone was asking us questions. Bucky just told them that we went for lunch and just nearby sights. Dad was cool about it to my surprise. He actually teased me a bit, but I laughed it off.

After the dinner, we again went to our rooms without speaking. I brushed my teeth and layed in my bed but couldn't sleep, so, I decided to go on the roof for some fresh air.

I was standing by the railing, looking at the city. Thinking about the day I had.

Bucky's pov:

I was lying in my bed when I heard Kristyn's door closing. I wanted to stand up and go to her but decided otherwise and stayed in the bed.

After a while, I couldn't stay there. I stood up and went out of the room. Kristyn wasn't on the recamier. I frowned for a moment but then recalled that she loves the night sky.

The way she looks at the city at night like that's all that matters and the way her eyes twinkle with the lights, it all told me that.

I went to the elevator and then up to the roof. The doors opened and I saw Kristyn's back. I smiled to myself.

I started walking towards her. She must be deep inside of her thoughts because she didn't seem to notice my footsteps.

"I thought I might find you here." I said, walking upto her. She turned around to see me and then went back to looking at the city. I stood next to her looking straight.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She mumbled, looking at the city.
"It is." I replied, slowly blinking and grinning at the view.

I looked at her, the light seeping in her skin, her eyes twinkling, her lashes lightly grazing her eyes when she blinked, her lips curled up a little on the corners. She looked peaceful and beautiful. She was breathing slowly, blinking ever so softly.
I've never observed these little things before about anyone, but I could do this everyday with Kristyn-

"Look, Bucky..." She said, breaking my adoration of her, looking down for a second then at me, turning to face me, I turned my body to her's.

I raised my brows lightly, telling her that I'm listening. I looked at her eyes, the most beautiful I've ever seen.

"I told you everything about my past, so that you could know that I've never had this comfy life you thought I did from the beginning and you might think that you won't be able to give me that but it's not like that... I like you because of who you are, not because of what you can give me..."

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now