55. Call And Love.

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I know, you know, we know
We weren't meant for eachother
And it's fine
But if the world was ending
You'd come over, right?
You'd come over and you'd stay the night
Would you love me for the hell of it?
All our fears would be irrelevant

~If The World Was Ending.
(By: JP Saxe, Julia Michaels.)

Dr. Strange made a  yellow-orange glittering string with his magic in front of us as we stood beside it.

"Let us assume, this is one reality. And these-" Dr. Strange said, further making small particles around the string. "are the actions that are supposed to happen." He was moving his hands around the string, explaining us. "Now, if we change even a single particle-" He flicked one particle away and another string grew out from the original one and filled the place of the displaced particle, Bucky and I were looking at it in awe. "it creates an alternative reality-" He pointed at the new string "from the one that we know, the original reality." He stood back, looking at us.

"In simple words, a single choice can branch out infinite realities, create alternative universes from this one." Loki said from behind Dr. Strange walking towards us. I frowned at him.

"Yeah, those weren't the simple words but I guess I understand what you're trying to say." I said raising my brows.

"So, it's like regeneration but it is created in another embodiment instead of re-growing." Bucky said from beside me, shoving his hands into his pockets. I looked up at him with raised brows and a smile of amusement. He shrugged.

"Precisely." Loki said with a smirk and Dr. Strange disappeared the string.

"So what changed our reality? What was our flick in the string?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"The call." Dr. Strange said stepping ahead. I furrowed my brows at him.
"A call?" I asked.
"Not a call. The call. The one Tony Stark made to Steve Rogers after the civil war of the Avengers." Loki said, sounding a bit annoyed for some reason.

"Which is where you came into play. In our original reality, you were never adopted by Tony Stark but in this one you were, you became a part of his life and then later you convinced him to make the call." Dr. Strange said walking around, our eyes followed him. "The call that changed everything." He halted with his arms open.

"And... What if dad hadn't made that call?" I asked narrowing my eyes a bit.

"Then the high and mighty Avengers never would've gotten back together... Not until Thanos invaded the earth." Loki said from behind Bucky and I and we both shot our heads towards him.

"Thanos? The purple honey nut quash? Thanos, that's his name?" I asked, raising my brows in disgust. Loki chuckled lightly.

"Yes, Thanos, he's the mad Titan. If Tony Stark hadn't made that call, Steve Rogers and the other's never would've came back and there never would've been one single team, The Avengers, to defend the earth. So in originality, when Thanos attacked, the Avengers were broken... They weren't together, as a team, yet they fought Thanos but... Unfortunately lost." Dr. Strange said walking around and then stood beside Loki. The worlds hit me like a bus, the thought of losing the only family I had was terrifying.

"Wha-what did Thanos want? Why did he attack earth?" I asked stuttering a little.

"Balance. In earth's resources and population. He wanted to wipe out half of life of the entire universe from existence to maintain that balance." Dr. Strange said gesturing with his hands.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now