36. Brink.

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I don't know just how to say
'cause I know you good taste
And I love the way you taste
Boy, tell me what you think
And I know you want me
Now you got me, Don't you play with it
Get naught, call you daddy.

~Talk Dirty.
(By: Doja Cat.)

TO: Fluff, sexual intercourse, smut.

Written in 3rd person:

As the night befell, the leavers left and only the members of the team were left in the tower. They all gathered around a table with Kristyn standing in the center of a side, with Tony and Pepper on one hand and Bucky on the other, she wasn't upset about earlier but still she was sceptical about the persistent caller.

"Here it comes." Happy announced, bringing the cake to the table.
"Oh! thank you so much Happy!" Kristyn said, smiling and putting her hands over her heart looking at Happy.

"Someone had to get you your favourite chocolate cake now, right?" He replied sending a toothy grin at her. She smiled back while tilting her head.

"You didn't tell me you like chocolate cake." Bucky pouted, leaning close to Kristyn's ear.
"I like everything chocolatey." She replied mischievously slow, smirking at him.

"Alright, c'mon, let's cut the cake." Tony said, putting his hand on her back.

They all sang Happy Birthday to Kristyn, she fed a little piece of cake to everyone, they all wanted to mush her face into the cake but it was way too tasty to waste, so instead they all just sat down and ate it all, together.

"You had a good time?" Tony asked Kristyn with a smile.
"Yes, I did. Thank you so much dad, for everything you've done for me. I love you so much." She replied, wrapping her arms around him, Tony huffed and hugged her back, rubbing her biceps.

"I love you too, peach." Tony said kissing her head. She felt at home.


Peter left, Clint and Thor were gonna leave in the morning. Everyone went back to their rooms since they were all worn out. Kristyn and Bucky were in the elevator to their floor, Kristyn was humming looking at the elevator doors, trying to avoid Bucky's gaze.

"K?" Bucky called out, she hummed and looked at him, pretending to be clueless. He sighed.

The elevator doors opened and Kristyn stepped out and walked towards the apartment, not bothering about Bucky.

"Hey, hey, listen to me." Bucky held her wrist from behind as they stepped inside the living room.
"Yes. What?" She asked, not looking amused at all.

"I'm sorry, I really am. You didn't deserve to be treated like that and I feel horrible about the way I acted, I shouldn't have. I'm sorry." Bucky apologised with pleading eyes and fiddling his hands. Kristyn took a sharp breath, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Was it Vital?" She asked, looking at him. He frowned. "The call." She clarified.
"It was. The person really needed my help." Bucky replied, calmly.

"Fine. I forgive you." Kristyn turned on her heels and started walking towards her room Bucky closely followed her, frowning as to how is she so casual about this. "Besides, I've teased you enough tonight." She said, giggling and opening her door.

"About that-" Bucky followed Kristyn inside and slammed the door close, restraining her by her wrist and pulling her back and pinning her back to the wall, making her yelp "You did torture me alot tonight, Stark." He said narrowing his eyes at her, she smirked looking at him.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now