31. The First Time.

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Tell me what you want
Because you know I want it too
Let's skip all the small talk
And go straight up to your room
I've been thinking what I'd do
When I'm alone with you.

~Small talk.
(By: Niall Horan.)

TO: Fluff, sexual intercourse, smut.

Bucky didn't speak to me much not even at dinner. I was getting really worried.

I took a shower and wrapped a towel around my body, I wasn't wearing anything underneath, and left the bathroom.
I opened the door and stepped out.

"Jesus!" I exclaimed, putting a hand on my heart. Bucky chuckled at me. He was in his boxer shorts, sitting on my bed.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." He plainly stated in a monotone. I was getting annoyed now with his behaviour.

"Okay-" I said, walking towards the bed "You've been acting like this all day, and I've had enough of that." I completed, sitting at the edge, folding my legs sideways. Bucky sighed and looked at me.

"It's nothing... It's stupid." He said, shaking his head.
"Tell me." I asked in a stiff voice. He sighed again and sat straight.

"You haven't told Tony about us... And I don't know, how he'll react to it... If you do, that is." He said slowly, looking down at his hands. I sighed and walked on my knees to sit in front of him on the bed.
I put a hand on the side of his face, making circles with my thumb.

"Is that what you're worried about? If he'll approve of us or not?" I asked very softly to which he nodded, slightly.

He was looking adorable, like a cute little puppy. I put my other hand on his face as well, cupping his, to make him look up at me.

"I know how to handle my dad. I'll tell him, ofcourse I'll tell him. And besides it's my life, I get to choose who I wanna spend it with." I replied, in the softest voice. His eyes turned soft and shinier than before. A little smile creeped onto his lips, as well.

"I'm sorry, for behaving like an ass all day. You don't deserve that." He said, looking at me.
"It's okay." I replied, smiling and leaning towards him. I pressed my lips on his kissing him delicately and lovingly.

I put my forehead on his for a second, before looking at him, with a smile.

"Thank you." He mumbled. I nodded reassuring him with a smile and leaned again.
"You can make up for the day though." I said before crashing our lips together.

He put his hands on my lower back and waist. I broke the kiss and looked at him
"Oh and-" I moved my head to his side, touching my lips to his ear, rubbing my cheek on his light stubble
"I'm ready." I whispered, biting my lower lip.

I kissed underneath his earlobe and heard a quite moan from him, I knew it was his sweet spot. I nubbed on it again. Kissing and biting a little. Bucky tilted his head to the other side giving me more access. I smiled and went further down his neck.

"Wait... Wait..." He said in a breathy voice. I pulled back and looked at him, frowning.

"I'm sorry, Did I do something wrong?" I asked, raising my brows. Worried if I had fucked it up already.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now