9.The Fall.

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And now, when all is done
There is nothing to say
You have gone and so effortlessly
You've won, you can go ahead
Tell them, tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the skyline
All we had is gone now.

(By: James Arthur.)

TO: Violence.

It has been a few months since Steve and Nat came back. We have spent time together, training, shopping, finding a girlfriend for Steve, smartass keeps rejecting everyone.

Nat and Steve didn't know how to cook neither does Bruce and they couldn't go grocery shopping because of the fame and all. So I offered them to eat breakfast everyday with me. I cook some days of the week, other days they have cereal or anything else.

During these morning dates we used to share stories and laughs, dad used to join us too sometimes, so did Clint, whenever he was around, then we used to go on with our day.

Bruce goes back to Nat's nemesis, his lab, seriously what is he even working on with such intensity.

Nat, Steve and I used to go for training. Nat and I fought a few times, since I was doing professional protocol she asked if she should go easy on me but Sara denied, which resulted in me getting a nasty bruise on my face. I did put up a good fight though.

Nat and Steve are going to leave today for a mission and don't know when they will return. So I decided to make pancakes for them. Clint went back to his home. So it was just me, Steve, Nat and Bruce.

I woke up early, took a shower and put on my outfit for the day. And then went to the kitchen to make pancakes.

"Morning, Gordon Ramsey!" Nat called out walking in with Bruce.
"Morning guys!" I greeted both of them looking up and sending them a smile.

"What are you cooking there?" Bruce asked sitting on the couch. Nat following the suit.
"Pancakes. Steve and Nat are leaving today, so, I thought of making a tasty breakfast for them." I said, focusing on cooking. "Or, so I thought, it would be." I said, chuckling.

"Something smells good." Steve said walking in through the door.

"Morning cap! How was the run?" I asked. Bruce and Nat greeted him as well.

"Usual. What are you doing there?" He asked me, sitting on one of the side couches.
"Pancakes. Since, you're leaving. Hey, by the way, what's the mission about?" I asked putting butter on the pancakes.

"I don't know, Fury called." Steve said looking over at me.
"Got it. Vague info." I replied, knowing Fury never tells the whole story.

I placed the plates and syrups on the table.

"Come on, the dinning table guys." I announced.

We all sat down adjacent to each other around the table. And began eating.

"What about Alena?" I said, taking a bite of my pancakes.
"Yeah, Steve she's kinda your type." Nat added looking at him.

"Who's that one again?" Steve asked Farrowing his brows.
"Girl from IT." Nat replied. Steve hummed in response.

"How do you know my type?" Steve asked, smirking at her.
"She's been to Smithsonian, Steve." I replied chuckling.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now