28. Insomnia.

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All my friends,they don't know
What it's like,
They don't understand why
I can't sleep through the night
I've been told that
I can take something to fix it
Damn, I wish it was that simple.

(By: Julia Michaels, Selena Gomez)

I broke out of another dreamless sleep. I looked out of the windows, it was still dark outside. I sighed, realising that I didn't sleep for much long. I hate dreamless nights, it's like I didn't even sleep at all. I would rather have the weird dreams I usually have over nothing at all.

I rolled over to see bucky sleeping on his back, with his right arm over his head. I smiled at the view. He had been sleeping with me every night since the day we kissed.

I sat up by the headrest. I picked up the glass of water on the night stand and my pill. I took it and was drinking water looking out at the lights of the city.

"You don't like company?" I heard Bucky, rolling to face me. I smiled lightly.

"I like yours." I said, grinning and putting the glass back. I looked back at Bucky who was smirking at me. I huffed and slide under the sheets, facing him.

"Is it why you didn't even sleep for 2 hours?" He asked, with a straight face.

"Maybe it's because of your snoring." I said, narrowing my eyes, playfully.
"I don't snore." He replied, raising his brow.
"Yes, you do." I said, nodding.

"I don't. I was a trained assassin, remember." He said, smirking.
I took a deep breath, looking at him. He had a dash of concern.
"Right." I said, nodding and grinning. I slipped under the sheets and layed down looking at Bucky.

"What was that?" He asked, raising his brows, indicating to the pill I took.

"What was what?" I asked, playfully.
"You know what." He replied, narrowing his eyes. I smiled and sighed.

"I have hypothyroidism... I have to take that pill every morning on an empty stomach to keep it in check... Can't miss." I replied, sending him a small smile. He didn't say anything for a while then put his palm on my cheek, I hummed and closed my eyes for a second, he was moving his thumb in circles.

"I'll take care of you." He said it in almost a whisper. I gave him a smile. He did the same, looking me in the eyes. "Since, when?" He asked, palm still on my cheek.

"Since, I was 5 or 6." I replied, slowly. He raised his brows and nodded, humming. He leaned in and kissed my forehead, my smile reached my ears. He layed back. And kept his hand on my cheek. We didn't say anything, just kept looking at each other.

"You know since the day I started sleeping with you, I wake up without having a nightmare-" He murmured. "-even after I got cleared, they didn't stop... Guess you were what I was looking for." He completed, grinning at me.

I smiled back, and put my palms on his cheeks and leaned in to slowly put my lips on his. He slid his right hand down on my shoulder, trailing over to my sides and resting it on my waist, moving it up and down. We didn't break the kiss, I intertwined my fingers in his hair and Bucky placed his hand on my thigh, moving his thumb in circles. I hoisted my body up and hovered over his body, placing both my knees on either side of his body. He kept rubbing my sides and back, I moved my hands back and forth between his hair and neck.

Bucky flicked his tongue on my lower lip and I moaned in response, I could feel him grin against my lips. He did it again and I could feel myself getting exhilirated and Bucky felt it. He broke the kiss, and looked at me, breathing heavily. He tucked a few strands that had loosened from my bun behind my ear.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now