19. Friends' Date

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I'll be honest
I'm alright with me
Sunday morning
In my own bedsheet
I've been waking up alone
I haven't thought of her for days
I'll be honest
It's better off this way.

~Our Song.
(By: Niall Horan and Anne Marie.)


Bucky got his clean chit a few days ago. Steve and Sam visit him, often, but he never came to the tower, Steve used to miss him, but because of work and signing and everything, he keeps himself pretty occupied, most of the time, but he still misses him.

I was feeling lazy, so, I didn't cook breakfast today. Nat, Sam, Steve, Bruce and I were having cereal or cornflakes or coffee. Nat and Bruce left a while ago so it was just me, Steve and Sam, sitting in the living room.

"Sam, you're coming with me for lunch with Bucky, right?" Steve asked him, sipping on his coffee, his one leg crossed over the other.
"That was today? I'm so sorry man. I'm going out with an old friend of mine." He said, placing his bowl in the sink.

"It's fine." Steve replied, waving his hand.

"Alright, see you later. Bye." Sam said, walking out of the apartment.

Steve was watching news on tv and I was sitting beside him. I could see how his face dropped when Sam refused to come with him, he wanted Bucky to have new friends and not feel left out.

"I can come with you, if you want." I said, looking at my flakes and playing with my spoon.
"What?" He asked, with a minor smile.
"Yeah. I can come with." I offered again, looking at him.

"Bucky would love to meet you. I'm sure." He said, grinning at me. I love the fact that he was putting so much effort to make Bucky feel at home and give him a sense of belonging.

"What time is it?" I asked grinning back at hom.
"2 after noon." He replied, in a calm voice.
"I'll be ready." I said, walking towards the kitchen to put my bowl in the sink.
"Okay." He replied standing up, with a smile.


I was working out in the gym, with Nat. When I realised it was almost 1 PM and I had to get ready to meet Bucky, so, I started removing my gloves, standing by the bench in the gym.

"You're leaving early?" She asked, punching on the bag.
"Uh yeah... I'm going to meet Bucky with Steve." I replied, zipping my bag.
"Ooh, good for you." She said, smirking, I could sense the mischievousness in her voice, so, I turned on my heels, furrowing my brows.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked, with a slight grin.
"Nothing." She replied in an innocent voice, smiling to herself. I shook my head at her.

"Whatever." I replied, smiling and walking out of the gym.
"Enjoy your date." I heard Nat from behind me. I shook my head, chuckling, walking up the stairs.


I walked out of my room in a Straight accross black top with a white over shirt and white pants with black high ankle shoes. I did my hair in a high pony tail, with few strands, grazing loose on my face.

I saw Steve waiting for me in the living room. He was wearing a blue shirt with folded sleeves and a pair of jeans. I locked my room and trailed towards him.

"You look handsome." I said, from behind him, making him turn around and face me. He registered my words and scoffed, grinning.
"Thanks. You look great." He complimented, his lips curled up in a smile, looking down at me.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now