32. Does he know?

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You can't blame me, darling
Not even a little bit.
I was away
And I'm just an arrogant
Son of a bitch
Who can't admit, when he's sorry

~To Be So Lonely.
(By: Harry Styles.)

TO: Fluff, sexual interactions.

I was awoken by Bucky kissing my neck. I smiled to myself, sighing satisfactorily, I kept my eyes closed, seeping them in. Mornings like this was normal for us, most mornings I stay awake since I'm an insomniac, Bucky's been helping me a lot with that.

He bit down a little on a spot making me giggle. I love waking upto this.

"Good morning, doll." He said, before taking his mouth back to my neck.

I took a deep breath and rolled over to face him, he was hoisting himself up with his metal elbow, his flesh hand on my abdomen, moving in small circles. I put my arm up, placing my palm on his cheek, fingers under his ear, softly. Our legs intertwined with each other.

"Good morning, Mr.big" I said, grinning at him. He chuckled at the nickname.

"Mr.big? Really?" He asked, laughing and looking at me. I had a grin on my face.

I was playing with his hair strands. I hummed in response and he smiled at me.

He leaned down, attaching his lips to mine. He was moving his hand on my abdomen, up and down, lightly.

He went back to his previous position, and kept looking me, Like he was memorizing my features. I was looking at his adorable pretty face and those steel blue eyes.

"What are you thinking?" I mumbled, smiling a little. He took a deep breath shaking his head slowly. "You can tell me." I said, massaging his head lightly.
He hummed, closing his eyes for a second. He opened them and looked straight into mine.

"I dreamt about this moment for the longest time." He said in a husky voice. He had the softest smile on his face and mellow eyes.

I grinned slightly. In that instance, I wanted to tell him how I feel, how much I love him, How he's become a habit of mine that I never ever want to break, how much I long for him when he's not around and how much I'm scared to lose him, but-

"Me too." I murmured, smile never leaving my lips. His twinkle grew further reaching his eyes. He leaned down again to peck my lips.

I moved my leg above his and hissed a bit realising how sore I was from last night. I smiled closing my eyes for a bit.

"What's wrong?" Bucky asked, grinning mischievously. My smile grew, I shook my head.

"Nothing. Everything's just right." I replied, giggling. He chuckled and buried his face in my neck, placing kisses lightly.

"Good." He said in a hoarse voice, going back to my neck.
"But I'm not having sex with you again." I mumbled, with closed eyes.

Bucky shot his head up and looked at me frowning with a stern look.
"What! Why?" He asked in a stiff voice. I recalled my words and started laughing.

"I mean, today." I kept laughing at his face. He dropped his head and smiled.
"You're gonna pay for that." He said, smiling and kissing my cheek.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now