22. You've Got A Crush.

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You walk into the room
I go quite
I catch your eyes and
Don't blick and eyelid
Feels like the world locked us
On an island
An island without waves.

(By: Niall Horan.)

I woke up early, since I wasn't sleeping peacefully anyway. I took a bath, put on some clean clothes. Took my pill for hypothyroidism and left my room to cook some breakfast.

I went to the kitchen and put coffee in the coffee pot.

"Friday, run the songs, please... Thank you." I asked, trying to lift my spirits. The songs started to play.

She got the body like an hourglass...

I started cooking and singing and dancing to the beat of the song.

Bucky's pov...

I have a habit of waking up early, so, I took a shower and changed. Since nobody had woken up yet, I stayed in my room, on my phone.

After a while, I heard the sound of music. I frowned for a moment then put my phone in my pocket and went outside to see what was going on.

I walked out to see Kristyn cooking, dancing and singing the words of the song, which was playing. For real, is there anything she can't do?

I leaned on the side wall with my arms crossed over my chest.

She was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a crop top, had her hair in a messy bun, a few strands of hair swinging on her face. She looked absolutely beautiful and... Hot.

Her voice is melodious. I have never heard a voice like her's in my long miserable life.

I watched her moves, she can dance, gotta give her that. The song was slutty, it was the first time I was hearing this song but... Damn she looks hot dancing like that... Those hip rolls and those lips syncing with the music. Stop.

I shouldn't be doing this, this is creepy, but... This girl is... something else. She's Tony's daughter, c'mon Bucky. Go back to your room. I sighed, shaking my head.

Kristyn's pov...

I was done almost done making breakfast. I looked up to see Bucky standing there. Damn it, was the music too loud?

"Hey, good morning... Did the music wake you?" I asked, giving him an apologetic look. He seemed to have taken a shower, because he looked fresh.

"Morning... And no, no, I was awake before hand... old habits." He replied, walking towards the kitchen and sitting on one of the counter chairs.

"Oh, okay good, I was starting to feel guilty." I said, laughing. He grinned at me.

"You know how to cook?" He asked me, furrowing his brows.
"Yeah, why?" I asked, smiling and putting toasts on a plate.

"You look a little young to... You know, cook." He said, trailing. I chuckled.

"I learnt cooking before I turned 13." I replied smiling, looking at the eggs.
"Impressive." He said, grinning at me.
I smiled, getting back to my breakfast.
I felt proud for some reason.

It had been a week, since, Bucky came to live in the tower. He spends majority of his day with Steve and Sam. Nat and Bucky flirts every now and then, it seems to be a personality trait of Bucky's, it sometimes bugs me but I try to shrug it off.

Bucky was sitting on the chair looking at me cook, when Sam and Steve came in.

"Good morning, Kris." Sam said, walking in.
"Hey, how are you, guys?" I asked, looking over Bucky's shoulder.
"Great. You?" Sam said, walking up the kitchen counter, standing beside Bucky, so did Steve.
"I'm good too, thanks." I replied, grinning. Steve put a hand over Bucky's shoulder.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now