43. Christmas.

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They don't know about
the things we do
They don't know about the I love yous
But, I bet you, if they only knew,
They would just me jealous of us.
They don't know about
the up all nights
They don't know I've waited all my life
Just find a love that feels this right.

~They Don't Know About Us.
(By: One Direction.)

Written in 3rd person:

Under the sheet of prepossessing and frosty Christmas eve, the exhilirated people of New York were grooving to it's spirit. The luminous streets, swarming with sprightly souls, accumulating the merry weather.

The essence of which was showering on the Avengers Tower. Everyone engaged in getting ready for the party Tony Stark was hosting. All of them were looking forward to it. Some to have a good time, some to show other's a good time while some were looking forward to take the next steps.

Just as Tony had told them, the outfits arrived just on time, but nobody had seen each others' outfits not even their partners, untill the time of leaving the tower for the event.

Tony had arranged Limos for every couple, including Bucky and Kristyn. While the stags were coming together.
All of them had already left the tower except Kristyn and Bucky.

Kristyn was standing in front of her mirror, wearing her gorgeous ball gown, hair free down, light makeup on her face as she was getting angsty about the event, since it was their first public appearance as a couple and she was wearing a gown for the first time.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Kristyn heard from her door.
"Yes?" She asked, moving her gaze from the mirror to the door.
"Are you ready, Passerine?" Bucky asked, looking down on his feet, standing on the other side of the door.

She brought her eyes back on her reflection in the mirror, straightening her dress one more time and taking a deep breath, wearing a smile, she nodded to herself. Turning on her heels, hands on her belt, she started stepping towards the door. Putting her hand on the knob and slowly unlocking it, she removed the only thing separating her and him.

Kristyn's gown

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Kristyn's gown.

Revealing herself to a well groomed god of a man in a black tux, wearing a tie matching her dress as he turned around to look at his girl.

Bucky glanced at her from head to toe, twice, enchanted by the beauty of his queen. Kristyn's gaze followed his, biting her lower lip lightly, edges curled up a little as Bucky's eyes finally settled on hers, with the softest guise.

"You look magnificent, doll." His words came out genuine as ever,  making her heart flutter as her smile grew on her face.
"Thank you. You look charming as always." She complimented, making him shy up and blush.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now