68. The Long Road.

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All of the rumours, all of the fights
But we always find
a way to make it out alive
Thought we were going strong
Thought we were holding on
Aren't we?
You and me, got a whole lotta history
We could be the greatest team
That the world has every seen
You and me got a whole lotta history
So, don't let it go,
we can make some more
We can live forever.

(By: One Direction.)

Written in 3rd person:

8 years later

"This is the technology that was released by the Stark Industries in the late 2010 and this is your product that is due, to be release in the market, which is 75% similar to ours, Mr. Bernard." Kristyn said, pushing two files in front of Jason Bernard, who is an engineer and business man with a superhuman ability to turn the nitrogen present in the atmosphere into liquid nitrogen along with superhuman strength.

And currently, the Avengers are trying to bring him down along with his 2 partners, who also have the same abilities, inside his building.

"If we enhance a pre-existing technology, you can not call it yours, Mrs. Barnes." He replied.
"I am not calling it mine, Mr. Bernard. I'm simply calling 75% of it, mine." Kristyn replied, smiling.

"Kristyn, the whole building is filled with civilians." Sam said through the coms, who was on the roof.
"On it." Nat said, walking over to Kristyn's floor.

"But I'm here to bargain. We're not looking for any patents or partnership, we just want to talk about the numbers we'll be getting." Kristyn said sitting straight and holding a smile.

"We can talk right here." Bernard said, leaning back on his seat.
"Too many eyes, if anyone gets the sniff of this situation of yours, they won't let you get off the hook as easy as we are willing to." Kristyn said pressing her lips together. Mr. Bernard sent her a smile, leaning over to the table.

"Tell me Mrs. Barnes or Kristyn? Can I call you Kristyn?" He asked, smiling.
"You may not." Kristyn said, grinning.

"Oh, that's cold." Sam said through the coms.
"Shut it, Sam." Bucky said who was in one of the corridors.

"Can I interest you in a little... rendezvous, Mrs. Barnes?" Bernard asked with a hint of mischief in his voice.

"Ugh, disgusting man!" Peter said who was in the opposite building.
"I'm gonna rip his head off." Bucky said in a deep voice.

"With all due respect, Mr. Bernard, We're here on official business and I'm sure you all-" She pointed at the other two partners sitting on the side couch. "Have better things to do. So, why don't we leave this building and go over to Stark Industries and finish this matter." She said with a soft smile.

"Why don't you call the papers here?" The man said, crossing his fingers.
"You don't want any of our employees to read about this concern of ours, now, do you?" Kristyn said raising her brows a little. Bernard leaned back, breathing deeply.

"Your floor is secure, Kristyn." Nat said through the coms.

Bernard called his partners to the table while talking, murmuring among themselves while a man entered the room and Kristyn cleared her throat indicating the team.

"Stay sharp, everyone." Steve said through the coms.
"Hey guys, where's Wanda?" Peter asked.
"Vision and her are on vacation, Peter. Now focus." Nat said.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now