24. Rematch.

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I can't stop and look the other way
Cause I know it could be, babe,
and you never feel the same
You'd be thinking about it everyday.
Don't believe in fairytales
But we got our fantasies.

~You Right.
(By: Doja Cat, The Weekend.)

TO: Minor violence, minor sexual content.

It had been 3 weeks since Steve and I talked. I didn't tell Bucky, evidently.

Bucky and Helen had been arguing a lot lately, I hear him shouting from his room a lot. He doesn't go out that regularly now. I hope they fix whatever it is. Do I?

Sam, Steve, Bucky and I were just talking or bickering after breakfast, in our living room. I was laying on the left couch crossed legs, Steve and Sam were sitting on the middle one and Bucky was sitting leaned back on the one opposite to mine. I was playing with a tennis ball, throwing it up in the air and catching it right back.

"You spent the money on the red head and I did on hot dog. I say mine is reasonable." Steve said, laughing.

"He's right, appetite is more important, bro." Sam said, pointing towards Steve. I was laughing at them.

"See guys, I feel that, your girl deserves to be treated like a queen that she is." Bucky stated bowing slightly.

Steve raised a brow and nodded in agreement. Sam laughed mumbling something, I couldn't hear.

"Naa ahh-" I caught the ball and turned my head towards Bucky, pointing a finger at him with the ball.

Only those deserves to be treated like a queen, who treat their man like a king." I stated looking straight into Bucky's eyes and winking at him in the end.

He started grinning and nodding, he had his one hand on his thigh and the other on the backrest.
He mouthed wow and kept smirking.

"Touche." Steve said, smiling and nodding.
"Burnnnn!" Sam shouted, laughing. I laughed at his comment.

"Alright guys, I'm off to gym." I said, standing up.
"So soon?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, gotta beat this princess' ass, today, he challenged me a few days back." I said, looking at Bucky, sitting on the edge of the couch.

"I would pay for that match." Sam said, sitting in an alert position.

"Nope, you both are going grocery shopping." I said, smiling at Steve and Sam.
"What?" Sam asked, shocked.
"Really?" Steve asked, crinkling his eyes.
"Yes, I've been doing it forever. Please, do this one time. I don't wanna go out." I requested. Steve gave me a assuring nod, Sam growled but agreed.

"Meet you in the ring, Princess." I said, to Bucky, standing up and walking towards my room.
"You bet." He replied, smirking.


I changed into my gym attire and went down to the gym, Bucky was already waiting for me. Rest of the gym was empty.

"You sure, you wanna do this, Stark?" He asked, standing in the ring.
"You bet your ass, I do." I said, smiling to myself and putting my bag down on the bench.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now