8.Meeting new people.

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I'm out of touch, I'm out of love
I'll pick you up when you're getting down
And out of all these things I've done
I think I love you better now
I'm out sight, I'm out of mind
I'll do it all for you in time
Amd out of all these things I've done
I think I love you better now.

~Lego House.
(By: Ed Sheeran.)

Written in 3rd person:


It has been more than an year since Kristyn came into the Avengers Tower. She cleared the beginners and intermediate protocols.

Tony and Clint were proud of her. Clint continued training her, even though he used to leave in between months, sometimes for longer periods  than others.

After a few months Clint finally told the four of them that he has a family of his own but he loves his work as well so he can balance his life.


A few months ago, after a lot of brain storming and realisations, Tony came to the conclusion that he loves Kristyn like a daughter and vice versa.

One day while sitting in his lab and working on some algorithms Tony had taught her, he said something in reply to which she absent mindedly called him 'Dad', it was an awkward moment at first but it was also a moment of realisation. Tony looked at her like a daughter, and since he didn't have his father around for most of his childhood, seeing Kristyn go through the same was pining his heart.

After a few days, Tony talked to Kristyn and legally adopted her. He was more than happy to do so and Kristyn got a father. Now, she won't be needing to explain his past to anyone.

Kristyn was getting better and stronger in the professionals protocol as well as in Archery. Clint was a great teacher. A mentor to Kristyn. He had faith in her, and she was performing well to his expectations.


Written in 1st person:

I train with Sara in the noon and with Clint in the evening. I get a little time in between to rest and take a shower. Whenever one of them is not there with me for some reason, I practice on my own.

I was in between of my target practicing, Clint is back at his home. He'll be coming back after a few months, I guess.

I was getting better and better at archery. I was using a heavier bow now, and I have a perfect shot as well.

Clint taught me how to make my own arrow heads, I make them in deep blue color. I don't know why I picked that one, it just came to me.

I shot another arrow at the moving target as it was the last one. I put my bow on the table.

"Kristyn, Mr. Stark is asking for your presence in his office." I heard JARVIS.

"Thank you, JARVIS, I'll be with him in a minute." I replied taking my archer tab off and keeping it beside my bow on the table.

I left the lair and walked over to the elevator and pushed the buttons to dad's office. The door opened after a few seconds, I walked out and went down to his office door. I could see the backs of two people, a blonde man and a redhead woman, I saw dad and Bruce facing them.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now