58. Lifetime.

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I'm thinking bout how
People fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just a touch of a hand
Well me, I fall in love with you every single day, and I just wanna tell you
I am, so, honey, now,
Take me into your loving arms, Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars,
place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud, maybe
We found love right where we are.

~Thinking Out Loud.
(By: Ed Sheeran.)

TO: Sexual contact, fluff, smut.

We came to our hotel room and had a little fun. My bare body was laying over his with sheets covering our naked bodies. I was blushing looking at the shining stone on my finger.

"You can't stop looking at it, can you?" Bucky asked looking down at me. I shook my head.
"It's so beautiful." I said biting my lower lip. "We are gonna get married!" I said in a shrill feeling the jitters, looking at Bucky who chuckled.

"Yes, we are." Bucky said pulling me up to peck my lips. Bucky's phone rang and he leaned over to pick it up.

"It's Steve." He said sitting up, I sat beside him. He answered it and put it on speaker.

"Hey, pal." Bucky said.
"Hey, Buck. You guys reach the hotel?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, we did." Bucky said.

"Did you pop the question?" Steve asked. Bucky and I shared a look, grinning.
"She said yes." Bucky replied, gazing into my eyes.

"She said yes!" A lot of people shouted from the other end, hooting and cheering. Bucky and I laughed.

"Are you all together?" I asked slightly laughing.
"Yeah, we wanted to know." Nat answered.
"And lemme guess, there's no meeting tomorrow with Mr. Rodriguez is there, Pepper?" I said expecting her to be there.

"You're welcome." Pepper replied from the other end. I giggled, shaking my head.

"Congratulations both of you!" They all cheered.
"Thank you, guys." Bucky and I said in unison. "I wish you were all here with us." I said.

"We'll celebrate once you come back. Now, bye. Congratulations!" Wanda said giggling.

"Yes, we will. Thanks Wan. Bye." I said and Bucky ended the call.

"When did you exactly plan all this?" I asked tilting my head, smiling.
"Since last year." Bucky replied, sneaking his hand around my waist and laying us back down on the bed.

"Wow. Did you ask dad for my hand?" I asked laughing and wiggling my brows at him.
"I did." Bucky replied with a toothy grin. "It was horrifying but He approved." He said smiling. I chuckled gazing at him.

"Do you remember the day I told him about us?" I asked and Bucky licked his lower lip, biting it, lightly.

"How can I forget? It was the second time Tony gave me his death stare." Bucky said making me laugh.

"When did you buy the ring?" I asked, looking at my hand.
"The next morning, after you told me you were in love with me." Bucky said squeezing my waist, lightly. I raised my brows at him in amazement.

"You've been wanting to marry me for that long?" I whispered, looking at him.
"I wanted to make you mine the day I laid eyes on you." Bucky said placing a kiss on my forehead. I hoisted myself up a bit.

"I love you so fucking much." I said before smashing our lips together. Bucky's hand on my back as he kissed me. "You. Are. The. Best." I said pecking his lips with each word, making him giggle and cuddle me.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now