10. The Winter Soldier.

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We keep this love
in a photograph,
We make these memories
for ourselves,
Where our eyes are never closing,
hearts are never broken
And Times forever frozen still.

(By: Ed Sheeran.)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I turned it off, stretching my legs and sunk back into the blankets for a while.

I removed the blanket from my face and looked over to the windows still laying down in my bed.

Steve and Nat are coming back and they are bringing a new team mate with them, I can't wait to make sarcastic comments about his suit, though it's cool.

I removed the blankets and got out of my bed and then kept the sheets neatly. I walked over to the bathroom, brushed, took a bath, put on some jeans and an asymmetric top. I took my tablet for hypothyroidism, then walked out of my room to find, Bruce and Clint sitting in the living room.

"Heyy, you're back!" I exclaimed and went over to Clint and gave him a tight hug.

"Yeah. Couldn't stay away for too long from my favourite archeress." He said laughing and hugging back.

"Today's my lucky day then, everybody's coming back." I said walking towards the kitchen counter to have some cereal.

Clint and Bruce already had their bowls.

"Yeah, Nat told me they'll be here by noon." Bruce informed looking over at me.

"Really? That's early for her." I said sarcastically.
"Tell me about it." Clint said chuckling.

I walked over to the couch and sat beside clint.

"JARVIS, please notify me when Cap and Nat steps foot inside the building." I notified the AI.
"As you wish, Kristyn." JARVIS replied.

We all sat in silence, churning on our breakfast bowls.

"Hey, by the way, do you guys know who the L'Oréal Paris model is?" I asked, eating another spoonful of cereal.
"Who?" Clint asked, giggling and frowning.

"The guy in the black vest, has gorgeously long hair, with a metal arm." I described cap's opponent, eating a spoonful of cereal.

"I was thinking about Nat until you said metal arm." Bruce said chuckling.

Clint snorted at this. I smiled and shook my head in disbelief.

"But, no, We don't know yet, gotta wait for them for intel." Bruce stated and I hummed in response. We all had our breakfast, talking about random stuff.


I was in the gym, Sara was fighting me, more like giving me a hand to hand combat training. Clint went out, he had some business to attend to, Bruce went back to his lab.

"You know, that I can clear the final test now, right?" I said out between our pins and punches.
"You don't know, what the final test is." She replied with a smirk.

"I cleared the first two with flying colors, didn't I? Besides, I'm getting pretty good at archery too." I bloated, proud of myself.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now