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You better run from me
You better say goodbye
And even if I plead
Don't waste time
'cause I'm a broken home
You're better off alone
You better run from me
Before I take your soul.

(By:R3HAB, Zayn.)


"Wake up dear, say goodbye to your father." Maria said to young Tony sleeping on the couch. she was playing the piano next to him.

"Who's the homeless person on the couch?" Howard asks Maria, removing the sheet off Tony's face.
Tony gets up, wearing a santa hat facing his father, who was doing up his cuffs.

"This is why I love coming home for Christmas... right before you leave town." Tony said indicating his father.

"Be nice, dear, he's been studying abroad." Maria said still playing piano.

"Really? Which abroad? What's her name?" Howard asked sarcastically, removing the Santa's hat off Tony's head.
"Candice." Tony replied in a monotone.

"Do me a favor. Try not to burn the house before monday." Howard stated to Tony.
"Oh, so it's monday. That is good to know. I will plan my toga party accordingly... Where are you going?" Tony said walking upto his mother and standing behind her, tucking his hands in his pockets.

"Your father is flying us to the Bahamas for a little getaway." Maria replied.
"We might have to make quick stop."
"At the Pentagon. Right?" Tony cut off Howard. Maria looked at Tony.

"Don't worry you're gonna love the holiday menu at the commissary." Tony said to his mother bending a little towards her.

"They say sarcasm is a metric potential. If that's true you'll be a great man someday." Howard said pointing a finger at young Tony, who walked ahead and stood leaning on the wall with hands crossed over his chest.

"I'll get the bags." Howard stated and left the room.

"He does miss you when you're not here-" Maria said to Tony, getting up and walking up to him."and frankly, you're going to miss us. Because this is the last time, we're all going to be together." She picked up her purse and looked straight at Tony.

"You know what's about to happen. Say something-" She said rubbing his arm "if you don't, you'll regret it."
Howard walked in with the bags.

"I love you dad-" Tony said to howard.
"And I know you did the best you could." He continued looking at his mother. Maria leaned in and kissed Tony on the cheek.

Present day Tony appeared standing in the back of the scene, looking down. Illusions of Maria and Howard walked out.

I was sitting in the back of the crowd watching, I came with Tony since Pepper wasn't there. They are on a break.

"That's how I wish it happened." Dad started speaking. "Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing... Or BARF-" he huffed at the acronym   "god, I gotta work on that acronym." He started walking forward to the piano.

"An extremely costly method of hijacking the hippocampus... to clear traumatic memories." He continued and halted at the piano, looking at the candle that was placed on it. He blew the candle, twice. All the illusions vanished from the stage.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now