11.WandaVision and Ultron

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We held our cards
And built them high
But way too close to the light
So turn your head, And let us go
I'll learn to breath, on my own
And our paper houses reach the stars.

~Paper houses.
(By: Niall Horan.)

(Nothing major, only the story of age of ultron so you can skip this one but please read the see off of Clint in the end.)

An year later...


I am sitting on the roof. It is night time, probably past midnight, everybody went to bed after dinner. I couldn't sleep, so I came to my favourite place, under the night sky.

Looking at the city that never sleeps, thinking about the past year. A lot has happened since I came to know about Bucky or the winter Soldier. We couldn't find him but we found a Hydra base. They had the Sceptre.

I cleared the final test too, I had to fight a trained male Martial artist, I got a whole lotta bruises but, I outsmarted him at last.
Clint approved me as an archeress as well.

Anyways, the team assembled. Thor, Tony, Steve, Nat, Clint, and Bruce. I wasn't the part of the team in the descent. Clint tried to convince dad but he suggested otherwise. She should start small. He said.

They made the plans, went there, executed them and got the Sceptre. There they met The Maximoff twins, Wanda and Pietro. Because of Pietro, Clint got hit pretty bad, but thanks to Dr. Cho and her Machines. He healed pretty swiftly.

The mission was a success and Thor agreed to stay at the tower for a while. Dad threw a party, which was great. We were all just messing around cracking 'language' jokes to mess with Steve, who was cool about it.

Everybody tried to wield mjolnir except me and Nat, that was fun... Until, one of dad's Iron legions came flying through the floor in a worn off state. That's right, Ultron.

Everybody found out about dad's plan of a suit of armour around the world. I could see why he wanted that. Steve on the other hand... Not so much. We also lost JARVIS... Or so we thought.

We all went through stacks and stacks of hardcopies, till we found Klaue. Dad recognised him, later we found out he was dealing with vibranium, the strongest metal on earth.

I pursued dad to take me with him, he agreed. He gave me my suit, which was similar to Nat's except it was deep blue in color and had a quiver with it, he made that, when I passed my professionals protocol.

We went there and boy was it a nightmare, quite literally for everyone, except me and Clint.

Wanda has telekinetic power, she hexed everyone on the team to see their worst fears, but when she came for me, Clint got her first. He saved me. But later she unleashed the hulk. From there, death and destruction followed.

Clint took us to his house, we all met his beautiful wife and wonderful kids.  Nick Fury later popped in as well.

We stayed there for a while until dad left to find our guardian angel. Apparently someone was guarding the nuclear formulas from getting in the wrong hands, later turned out that was JARVIS, he had outsmarted Ultron.

The Ultron went to Dr. Cho, to get the regeneration cradle. The team made plans, again, and went to meet Ultron, in Sokovia.

Wanda and Pietro found out that Ultron's plan was destructive so they left him and came to us. But Bruce was not so welcoming, he was furious about his previous encounter with the witch. But at last, they helped us.

In the regeneration cradle there was already a body generating when we got there. Steve tried to stop the programming but Thor came in and completed the process himself, he put The mind stone in the body's forehead. Apparently he had a vision about it.

The body that came out was Vision. Practically, JARVIS got a body of vibranium. Wanda instantly made a connection with him for some reason.

We all left to fight Ultron, which resulted in, a part of Sokovian land flying in the air and numerous casualties including Pietro Maximoff.
He saved Clint's life, he beat me to it. He was faster than me. It should've been me not him.

We won, eventually. Thor went back to Asgard later. Wanda joined the team. It was weird to talk to vision, now that JARVIS had a face. Bruce is mad at Natasha for some reason, but he'll come around.

Clint's retiring. Believe it or not but I cried my eyes out when he told me he was retiring. But I understand, he's  got a family of his own. He's leaving in the morning.

I hopped off the railing and started walking towards the elevator to go back down. Should atleast sleep for an hour before dawn.


Everybody was standing around to see off Clint to his new mission of life. I couldn't control my tears, no matter how hard I tried. I was standing next to dad who had his arm wrapped around my shoulder to calm me down, but I just couldn't.

"He's just retiring not dying sweetie." Dad whispered to me, which just made me cry more.
Clint walked upto me with a smile and took me in his arms and hugged me.

"Hey, stop crying please. It's already too hard for me to leave this life." Clint said rubbing my back. I sniffled and stopped crying and took a breath.

"I'm gonna miss you." I replied and started crying again at the end of the sentence.

"Oh, I'm gonna miss you too kiddo. I'm gonna miss you the most." He replied in a soft voice, never breaking the hug.

I broke the hug and looked upto him, tears still rolling down my cheeks. Clint cupped my face and wiped my tears with his thumbs.

"I'll be a call away if you ever need me. And I'm always gonna be your family... My Archeress." He said softly.
We both chuckled at the end of his sentence.

"I love you." I said, hugging him back one last time.
"I love you too, tiny." He replied, lovingly.

We broke the hug and he looked at me putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Keep bugging your father for me." He said with a laugh.
"Yeah." I laughed and then sniffled.

Clint left me, then shook hands and hugged dad, he whispered something to him I couldn't hear what. He greeted everyone else and then sat in the quinjet, waved me goodbye and then left.

"See you soon, sir." I whispered to myself.

Clint leaving this life was not just the missions and all, it was more than that for me. He was my teacher, my mentor, my recruiter. He gave me my identity. He gave me my first bow and arrow. He gave my life meaning. And him leaving was like losing a part of myself.



A filler chapter but had to add it in order to tell the tale.

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