29. Next step.

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Don't we look perfect baby?
Let's take this further baby,
Just and little, just a little
All night long.

(By: Charlie Puth.)

TO: Sexually intercourse, smut, fluff.

I was in my room changing from a tiring day. I had to go grocery shopping, alone since Bucky was with Steve and Sam out for some reason. And I did training as per usual. I worked with dad too, it was getting harder and harder to hide my relationship with Bucky from him, but I didn't know how to tell him yet.

Knock, knock, knock.

"It's open!" I yelled from my bed. I was wearing just one of Bucky's hoodies and an underwear since the hoodie went down to my mid thighs.

The door opened and Bucky stepped in.

"Hey! You're back." I said, getting up from my bed and walking upto him.
He turned around and looked at me up and down, raising a brow.

"Yeah... I am." He replied, looking at me in a deeper voice than usual. I smiled to myself. I tip toed and put my arms around his neck and he kept his hands on my lower back. I locked my lips with his and after a few seconds I broke the kiss and started walking towards the bed.

Bucky frowned and threw his hands in the air.

"That's not fair, you know." He replied, annoyed. I bit my lower lip, smiling.
"What's not fair?" I asked, innocently, sitting on the edge of the bed. Hands behind me hoisting me up, head tilted right.

Bucky raised his brows and looked at me for a while, I tried not to blush but failed. He started taking small steps towards me. I tried to keep calm, taking long deep breaths, looking at his dark eyes.

Bucky took his t-shirt off and threw it on the floor. My eyes trailed down on his bare chest with only his dog tags, I swallowed down. He stepped closer, just a few steps away from me now.

He undid his jeans and pulled down the zipper, I flinched slightly at the pace he did it. He slipped the jeans down and dropped it on the floor, kicking it away. Leaving himself in just his boxers.

He walked closer, I looked up at him, he had a serious face and dark eyes, instead of his blue ones. He leaned down, putting his hands on the bed on my sides and I leaned backwards until my back hit the bed, with Bucky parallel to my body, he put his left hand on the side of my face, not breaking the intense eye contact. His breathing was calm whereas mine was uneven.

I didn't dare to speak or do anything other than to look at his eyes. He put his right hand on my exposed skin of my thigh under the hem of the hoodie, sliding it slowly up. I closed my eyes, feeling his skin on mine.

He slid his hands up on the side lace of my panties and then on my waist, slowly. He pressed down lightly with his thumb, making me roll my eyes backwards, I could feel him smirk at that. He stopped right under my left boob, his skin barely touching it, moving his thumb in circles. Bucky leaned down, his cheek touching mine, his lips on my ears. I could feel his breath on my skin.

"This." He whispered and removed his hand from under the hoodie and stood straight, smirking. I shot open my eyes and looked at him with disbelief.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now